WackoWiki: User Settings

https://wackowiki.org/doc     Version: 9 (08.12.2021 13:28)

User Settings

stored in usersetting table

Relation of corresponding user settings to config settings:

guest user remarks
user setting

The default values for the user settings are either set as DEFAULT value in the table itself or taken from the corresponding settings in the secondary config.

no config_name value default
1. allow_intercom
2. allow_massemail
3. autocomplete
4. diff_mode
5. dont_redirect
6. doubleclick_edit
7. hide_lastsession
8. list_count
9. menu_items
10. noid_pubs
11. notify_comment
12. notify_minor_edit
13. notify_page
14. numerate_links
15. send_watchmail
16. session_length
17. show_comments
18. show_files
19. show_spaces
20. sorting_comments
21. theme
22. timezone
23. user_lang
24. validate_ip