WackoWiki: Extended Acls

https://wackowiki.org/doc     Version: 3 (01/02/2024 20:01)

Extended Acls

bugs:issue[link1] in bugtracker
Author: WikiAdmin[link2]

1. Introduction

Introduction of idea

object <- page
right <- privilege
role <- user
role <- group <- user

group -> organising users
role -> organising rights

2. database

new proposed ACL scheme

2 of 2 Files accessible from this page :

acl_scheme.mwb[link3] as workbench file 8.7 KiB  09/27/2010 19:03 
acl_scheme.png[link4] new proposed ACL scheme 18.4 KiB  09/27/2010 19:03 

Database Changes

  `acl_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `object_id` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  `object_type_id` int(2) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  `object_right_id` int(2) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`acl_id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `idx_acl` (`object_id`,`object_type_id`,`object_right_id`)

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `wacko_acl_privilege` (
  `acl_privilege_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `acl_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `grant_type_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `grant_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `deny` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  PRIMARY KEY (`acl_privilege_id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `idx_privilege` (`acl_id`,`grant_type_id`,`grant_id`)

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `wacko_acl_right` (
  `acl_right_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `object_right` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`acl_right_id`)

INSERT INTO `wacko_acl_right` (`acl_right_id`, `object_right`) VALUES
(1, 'read'),
(2, 'comment'),
(3, 'write'),
(4, 'add'),
(5, 'remove');

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `wacko_acl_type` (
  `acl_type_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `object_type` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`acl_type_id`)

INSERT INTO `wacko_acl_type` (`acl_type_id`, `object_type`) VALUES
(1, 'page');

$alter_acl_r5_4_0 = "ALTER TABLE {$pref}acl ADD acl_right_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AFTER page_id";
$alter_acl_r5_4_1 = "ALTER TABLE {$pref}acl DROP privilege";

$update_acl_r5_4_0 = "UPDATE {$pref}acl AS acl, (SELECT acl_right_id, acl_right FROM {$pref}acl_right) AS acl_right SET acl.acl_right_id = acl_right.acl_right_id WHERE acl.privilege = acl_right.acl_right";	


Implementation Log


3. functions


    #function save_acl($object_id, $object_type, $object_right, $acl_privileges)
    function save_acl($page_id, $privilege, $list)
        #if ($acl = $this->load_acl($object_id, $object_type, $object_right, 0, 0, 0))
        if ($this->load_acl($page_id, $privilege, 0, 0, 0))
                "UPDATE ".$this->config['table_prefix']."acl SET ".
                    "list = '".quote($this->dblink, trim(str_replace("\r", '', $list)))."' ".
                "WHERE page_id = '".quote($this->dblink, $page_id)."' ".
                    "AND privilege = '".quote($this->dblink, $privilege)."' ");

            /*foreach ($acl_privileges as $acl_privilege)
                    "UPDATE ".$this->config['table_prefix']."acl_privilege SET ".
                        "grant_type_id = '".quote($this->dblink, $list)."' ".
                        "grant_id = '".quote($this->dblink, $list)."' ".
                        "deny = '".quote($this->dblink, $list)."' ".
                    "WHERE acl_id = '".quote($this->dblink, $page_id)."' ".
                        "AND privilege = '".quote($this->dblink, $privilege)."' ");
                "INSERT INTO ".$this->config['table_prefix']."acl SET ".
                    "list        = '".quote($this->dblink, trim(str_replace("\r", '', $list)))."', ".
                    "page_id    = '".quote($this->dblink, $page_id)."', ".
                    "privilege    = '".quote($this->dblink, $privilege)."'");


    #function get_cached_acl($object_id, $object_type, $object_right, $use_defaults)
    function get_cached_acl($page_id, $privilege, $use_defaults)
        #if (isset( $this->acl_cache[$page_id.'#'.$object_type.'#'.$object_right.'#'.$use_defaults] ))
        if (isset( $this->acl_cache[$page_id.'#'.$privilege.'#'.$use_defaults] ))
            #return $this->acl_cache[$page_id.'#'.$object_type.'#'.$object_right.'#'.$use_defaults];
            return $this->acl_cache[$page_id.'#'.$privilege.'#'.$use_defaults];
            return '';

    // $acl array must reflect acls table row structure
    #function cache_acl($object_id, $object_type, $object_right, $use_defaults, $acl_privilege)
    function cache_acl($page_id, $privilege, $use_defaults, $acl)
        #$this->acl_cache[$object_id.'#'.$object_type.'#'.$object_right.'#'.$use_defaults] = $acl_privilege;
        $this->acl_cache[$page_id.'#'.$privilege.'#'.$use_defaults] = $acl;

    # function load_acl($object_id, $object_type, $object_right, $use_defaults = 1, $use_cache = 1, $use_parent = 1, $new_tag = '')
    function load_acl($page_id, $privilege, $use_defaults = 1, $use_cache = 1, $use_parent = 1, $new_tag = '')
        if (!isset($acl))
            $acl = '';

        if ($use_cache && $use_parent)
            #if ($cached_acl = $this->get_cached_acl($object_id, $object_type, $object_right, $use_defaults))
            if ($cached_acl = $this->get_cached_acl($page_id, $privilege, $use_defaults))
                $acl = $cached_acl;

        if (!$acl)
            #if ($cached_acl = $this->get_cached_acl($object_id, $object_type, $object_right, $use_defaults))
            if ($cached_acl = $this->get_cached_acl($page_id, $privilege, $use_defaults))
                $acl = $cached_acl;

            if (!$acl)
                if (!$new_tag)
                    $acl = $this->load_single(
                        "SELECT * ".
                        "FROM ".$this->config['table_prefix']."acl ".
                        "WHERE page_id = '".quote($this->dblink, $page_id)."' ".
                            "AND privilege = '".quote($this->dblink, $privilege)."' ".
                        "LIMIT 1");
                    $acl = $this->load_single(
                        "SELECT a.* ".
                        "FROM ".$this->config['table_prefix']."acl a ".
                        "INNER JOIN ".$this->config['table_prefix']."acl_type t ON (t.object_type_id = a.object_type_id) ".
                        "INNER JOIN ".$this->config['table_prefix']."acl_right r ON (r.object_right_id = a.object_right_id) ".
                        "WHERE a.object_id = '".quote($this->dblink, $object_id)."' ".
                            "AND t.object_type = '".quote($this->dblink, $object_type)."' ".
                            "AND r.object_type = '".quote($this->dblink, $object_right)."' ".
                        "LIMIT 1");

                    $acl_privilege = $this->load_all(
                        "SELECT * ".
                        "FROM ".$this->config['table_prefix']."acl_privilege ".
                        "WHERE acl_id = '".quote($this->dblink, $acl['acl_id'])."' ");

                // if still no acl, use config defaults
                if (!$acl && $use_defaults)
                    // First look for parent ACL, so that clusters/subpages
                    // work correctly.
                    if (!empty($page_id))
                        $tag = strtolower($this->get_page_tag_by_id($page_id));
                        // new page which is to be created
                        $tag = strtolower($new_tag);

                    if ( strstr($tag, '/') )
                        $parent_tag = preg_replace('/^(.*)\\/([^\\/]+)$/', '$1', $tag);

                        // By letting it fetch defaults, it will automatically recurse
                        // up the tree of parent pages... fetching the ACL on the root
                        // page if necessary.
                        $parent_id    = $this->get_page_id($parent_tag);
                        #$acl        = $this->load_acl($parent_id, $object_type, $object_right, 1);
                        $acl        = $this->load_acl($parent_id, $privilege, 1);

                    // if still no acl, use config defaults
                    if (!$acl)
                        $acl = array(
                            #'object_id' => $object_id,
                            'page_id' => $page_id,
                            #'object_type' => $object_type,
                            #'object_right' => $object_right,
                            'privilege' => $privilege,

                            'list' => $this->config['default_'.$privilege.'_acl'],
                            'time' => date('YmdHis'),
                            'default' => 1

                #$this->cache_acl($object_id, $object_type, $object_right, $use_defaults, $acl_privilege);
                $this->cache_acl($page_id, $privilege, $use_defaults, $acl);

        // probably we want only $acl_privilege and we can skip  $acl because we do not need it
        #return array($acl, $acl_privilege);
        #return $acl_privilege;
        return $acl;

    function load_acl_new($object_id, $object_type, $object_right, $use_defaults = 1, $use_cache = 1, $use_parent = 1, $new_tag = '')
        if (!isset($acl))
            $acl = '';

        if ($use_cache && $use_parent)
            if ($cached_acl = $this->get_cached_acl($object_id, $object_type, $object_right, $use_defaults))
                $acl = $cached_acl;

        if (!$acl)
            if ($cached_acl = $this->get_cached_acl($object_id, $object_type, $object_right, $use_defaults))
                $acl = $cached_acl;

            if (!$acl)
                if (!$new_tag)

                    $acl = $this->load_single(
                        "SELECT a.* ".
                        "FROM ".$this->config['table_prefix']."acl a ".
                        "INNER JOIN ".$this->config['table_prefix']."acl_type t ON (t.object_type_id = a.object_type_id) ".
                        "INNER JOIN ".$this->config['table_prefix']."acl_right r ON (r.object_right_id = a.object_right_id) ".
                        "WHERE a.object_id = '".quote($this->dblink, $object_id)."' ".
                            "AND t.object_type = '".quote($this->dblink, $object_type)."' ".
                            "AND r.object_right = '".quote($this->dblink, $object_right)."' ".
                        "LIMIT 1");

                    $acl_privilege = $this->load_all(
                        "SELECT * ".
                        "FROM ".$this->config['table_prefix']."acl_privilege ".
                        "WHERE acl_id = '".quote($this->dblink, $acl['acl_id'])."' ");


                // if still no acl, use config defaults
                if (!$acl && $use_defaults)
                    // First look for parent ACL, so that clusters/subpages
                    // work correctly.
                    if (!empty($page_id))
                        $tag = strtolower($this->get_page_tag_by_id($page_id));
                        // new page which is to be created
                        $tag = strtolower($new_tag);

                    if ( strstr($tag, '/') )
                        $parent_tag = preg_replace('/^(.*)\\/([^\\/]+)$/', '$1', $tag);

                        // By letting it fetch defaults, it will automatically recurse
                        // up the tree of parent pages... fetching the ACL on the root
                        // page if necessary.
                        $parent_id    = $this->get_page_id($parent_tag);
                        $acl        = $this->load_acl($parent_id, $object_type, $object_right, 1);


                    // if still no acl, use config defaults
                    if (!$acl)
                        $acl = array(
                            'object_id' => $object_id,
                            'object_type' => $object_type,
                            'object_right' => $object_right,

                            'list' => $this->config['default_'.$object_type.'_'.$object_right.'_acl'],
                            'time' => date('YmdHis'),
                            'default' => 1

                $this->cache_acl($object_id, $object_type, $object_right, $use_defaults, $acl_privilege);

        // probably we want only $acl_privilege and we can skip  $acl because we do not need it
        #return array($acl, $acl_privilege);
        return $acl_privilege;

    // returns true if $user (defaults to the current user) has access to $privilege on $page_tag (defaults to the current page)
    #function has_access($object_type, $object_right, $object_id = '', $user = '', $use_parent = 1)
    function has_access($privilege, $page_id = '', $user = '', $use_parent = 1)
        if ($user == '')
            $user_name = strtolower($this->get_user_name());
        else if ($user == GUEST)
            $user_name = GUEST;
            $user_name = $user;

        if (!$page_id = trim($page_id))
            $page_id = $this->page['page_id'];

        // if still no page_id, use tag
        if (empty($page_id))
            // new page which is to be created
            $new_tag = $this->tag;
            $new_tag = '';

        if ($privilege == 'write')
            $use_parent = 0;

        // load acl
        #$acl        = $this->load_acl($object_id, $object_type, $object_right, 1, 1, $use_parent, $new_tag);
        $acl        = $this->load_acl($page_id, $privilege, 1, 1, $use_parent, $new_tag);
        $this->_acl    = $acl;

        // if current user is owner or admin, return true. they can do anything!
        if ($user == '' && $user_name != GUEST)
            if ($this->user_is_owner($page_id) || $this->is_admin())
                return true;

        return $this->check_acl($user_name, $acl['list'], true);

      // ...

    # function remove_acls(object_id, $cluster = false)
    function remove_acls($tag, $cluster = false)
        if (!$tag)
            return false;

            "DELETE a.* ".
            "FROM ".$this->config['table_prefix']."acl a ".
                "LEFT JOIN ".$this->config['table_prefix']."page p ".
                    "ON (a.page_id = p.page_id) ".
            "WHERE p.tag ".($cluster === true ? "LIKE" : "=")." '".quote($this->dblink, $tag.($cluster === true ? "/%" : ""))."' ");

        /*if ($acls = $this->load_all(
        "SELECT a.acl_id ".
            "FROM ".$this->config['table_prefix']."acl a ".
                "LEFT JOIN ".$this->config['table_prefix']."page p ".
                "INNER JOIN ".$this->config['table_prefix']."acl_type t ON (a.object_type_id = t.object_type_id) ".
                    "ON (a.object_id = p.page_id) ".
            "WHERE p.tag ".($cluster === true ? "LIKE" : "=")." '".quote($this->dblink, $tag.($cluster === true ? "/%" : ""))."' ".
                "AND t.object_type = 'page'"))// later we will have also other objects than page
            foreach ($acls as $acl)
                // delete acl
                "DELETE a.* ".
                "FROM ".$this->config['table_prefix']."acl a ".
                "WHERE a.acl_id = '".quote($this->dblink, $acl['acl_id'])."' ");

                // delete acl privilege
                "DELETE a.* ".
                "FROM ".$this->config['table_prefix']."acl_privilege a ".
                "WHERE a.acl_id = '".quote($this->dblink, $acl['acl_id'])."' ");

        return true;

4. default values

5. GUI

- write -
[] group
[] user

-- upload --

[Delete] [Add]

set permissions

select a role
[......] [user/group] [search]
-> result [add]

set permissions for this role
(default / extra) allow deny

6. Migration


##            MIGRATE ACLs to new scheme              ##

if ($this->is_admin())
    if (!isset($_POST['migrate_acls']))
        echo "<h3>3. Migrates acls to new scheme:</h3>";
        echo $this->form_open();
        <input type="submit" name="migrate_acls" value="<?php echo $this->_t('CategoriesSaveButton');?>" />
        echo $this->form_close();
    // migrate acls to new acl and acl_privilege table
    else if (isset($_POST['migrate_acls']))
        // load old ACLs
        $_acls = $this->load_all(
            "SELECT page_id, privilege, list ".
            "FROM {$this->config['table_prefix']}acl_old ");

        $old_acl_count = count($_acls);

        foreach ($_acls as $_acl)
            echo $_acl['privilege'].'<br />';
            // get object_right_id (e.g. 'write' -> 1, 'read' -> 2)
            $_object_right_id = $this->load_single(
                "SELECT acl_right_id ".
                "FROM {$this->config['table_prefix']}acl_right ".
                "WHERE object_right = '{$_acl['privilege']}'
            $object_right_id = $_object_right_id['acl_right_id'];

            // get object_type_id (e.g. 'page' -> 1) / there is only 'page' so far
            $_object_type_id = $this->load_single(
                "SELECT acl_type_id ".
                "FROM {$this->config['table_prefix']}acl_type ".
                "WHERE object_type = 'page'
            $object_type_id = $_object_type_id['acl_type_id'];

            // INSERT rights in 'acl' table
            $sql =    "INSERT INTO {$this->config['table_prefix']}acl
                    (object_id, object_type_id, object_right_id)
                    VALUES ('{$_acl['page_id']}', '{$object_type_id}', '{$object_right_id}')";


            // get new created $acl_id
            $acl_id = $this->load_single(
                "SELECT acl_id ".
                "FROM {$this->config['table_prefix']}acl ".
                "WHERE object_id = '{$_acl['page_id']}' ".
                    "AND object_type_id = '{$object_type_id}' ".
                    "AND object_right_id = '{$object_right_id}'
            $acl_id = $acl_id['acl_id'];

            // get user and group privileges
            $privileges    = explode("\n", $_acl['list']);

            foreach ($privileges as $privilege)
                if (!empty($privilege))
                    $grant_id        = '';
                    $grant_type_id    = '';
                    $deny            = '';

                    #$privilege = (string)$privilege;
                    // look for '!' prefix, if true set $deny to true and remove it
                    if ($privilege[0] == '!')
                        $deny = 1;
                        $privilege = substr($privilege, 1);
                        $deny = 0;

                    echo $privilege.'<br />';
                    // is group?
                    // 1. default groups
                    // 1.1 Everybody
                    if ($privilege == '*')
                        $_grant_id = $this->load_single(
                            "SELECT group_id ".
                            "FROM {$this->config['table_prefix']}group ".
                            "WHERE group_name = 'Everybody'
                        $grant_id = $_grant_id['group_id'];
                        $grant_type_id = 1;
                    // 1.2 Registered
                    else if  ($privilege == '$')
                        $_grant_id = $this->load_single(
                            "SELECT group_id ".
                            "FROM {$this->config['table_prefix']}group ".
                            "WHERE group_name = 'Registered'
                        $grant_id = $_grant_id['group_id'];
                        $grant_type_id = 1;
                    // 1.3 Admins
                    else if  ($privilege == 'Admins')
                        $_grant_id = $this->load_single(
                            "SELECT group_id ".
                            "FROM {$this->config['table_prefix']}group ".
                            "WHERE group_name = 'Admins'
                        $grant_id = $_grant_id['group_id'];
                        $grant_type_id = 1;
                        // 2. non default groups
                        if (!isset($this->groups))
                            $_groups = $this->load_all(
                                "SELECT group_name ".
                                "FROM {$this->config['table_prefix']}group ");

                            foreach ($_groups as $_group)
                                $groups[] = $_group['group_name'];
                            $this->groups = $groups;


                        if (in_array($privilege, $this->groups))
                            $grant_id = $this->load_single(
                                "SELECT group_id ".
                                "FROM {$this->config['table_prefix']}group ".
                                "WHERE group_name = '{$privilege}'
                            $grant_id        = $grant_id['group_id'];
                            $grant_type_id    = 1;
                            // 3. users
                            if (!isset($this->users))
                                $_users = $this->load_all(
                                "SELECT user_name ".
                                "FROM {$this->config['table_prefix']}user ");

                                foreach ($_users as $_user)
                                    $users[] = $_user['user_name'];
                                $this->users = $users;


                            if (in_array($privilege, $this->users))
                                $_grant_id = $this->load_single(
                                    "SELECT user_id ".
                                    "FROM {$this->config['table_prefix']}user ".
                                    "WHERE user_name = '{$privilege}'
                                $grant_id        = $_grant_id['user_id'];
                                $grant_type_id    = 2;

                    // INSERT privileges in 'acl_privilege' table
                    $sql =    "INSERT INTO {$this->config['table_prefix']}acl_privilege
                            (acl_id, grant_type_id, grant_id, deny)
                            VALUES ('{$acl_id}', '{$grant_type_id}', '{$grant_id}', '{$deny}')";


        echo '<br />'.$old_acl_count.' acl and '.$privilege_count.' privilege settings inserted.';


7. Related Links

8. Future Ideas

9. Feedback