WackoWiki: Plugins Directory

https://wackowiki.org/doc     Version: 23 (02/14/2024 10:58)

Plugins Directory

page title: [Hack: Plugins Directory]

bugs: Probably
Compatible with: R6.1
Current version:
Credits: brianko[link1], ported over from WikkaWiki

class/wacko.php <— add to end of file
 * Build a (possibly valid) filepath from a delimited list of paths
 * This function takes a list of paths delimited by ":"
 * and attempts to construct a fully-qualified pathname to a specific
 * file.  By default, this function checks to see if the file
 * pointed to by the fully-qualified pathname exists.  First valid
 * match wins.  Disabling this feature will return the first valid
 * constructed path (i.e, a path containing a valid directory, but
 * not necessarily pointing to an existant file).
 * @param string $filename mandatory: filename to be used in
 *          construction of fully-qualified filepath
 * @param string $pathlist mandatory: list of
 *          paths (delimited by ":")
 * @param  boolean $checkIfFileExists optional: if TRUE, returns
 *          only a pathname that points to a file that exists
 *          (default)
 * @return string A fully-qualified pathname or NULL if none found
function BuildFullpathFromMultipath($filename, $pathlist, $checkIfFileExists=TRUE): ?string
    $paths = preg_split('/:/', $pathlist);
    if(empty($paths[0])) return NULL;
    if(FALSE === $checkIfFileExists)
        // Just return first directory that exists
        foreach($paths as $path)
            $path = trim($path);
                return Ut::join_path($path, $filename);
        return NULL;
    foreach($paths as $path)
        $path = trim($path);
        $fqfn = Ut::join_path($path, $filename);
        if(file_exists($fqfn)) return $fqfn;
    return NULL;

1. Documentation

Introduces a preliminary plugin architecture that allows Wacko users to override core functionality with custom actions, handlers, formatters, and associated templates. The advantages of such a setup are numerous:

2. How to

To use the new plugin folders for your add-ons, you will have to create the /plugins tree and add the corresponding paths in your config/constants.php file. Components will be loaded following the path order specified in the config file (so for instance a custom action called /plugins/action/contact.php will override the default action/contact.php). The only supported path separator is the colon (:). For example:

const FORMATTER_DIR = 'plugins/formatter:formatter',
const HANDLER_DIR = 'plugins/handler:handler',
const ACTION_DIR = 'plugins/action:action',	

For some formatters with associated class files (pre_wacko.php, wackoformatter.php) manual changes are required in the config/autoload.conf file:

plugins/formatter/class/pre_wacko.php                       PreFormatter
plugins/formatter/class/wackoformatter.php                 WackoFormatter	

Other modifications are necessary to fully implement:

1. class/wacko.php
In the _format function, the two include_buffered calls that have Ut:join_path calls as the first argument need to be modified:
#$text      = $this->include_buffered(Ut::join_path(FORMATTER_DIR, $formatter . '.php'), $error, compact('text', 'options'));
$text       = $this->include_buffered($this->BuildFullpathFromMultipath($formatter . '.php', FORMATTER_DIR), $error, compact('text', 'options'));

#$text = $this->include_buffered(Ut::join_path(FORMATTER_DIR, 'typografica.php'), $error, compact('text'));
$text = $this->include_buffered($this->BuildFullpathFromMultipath('typografica.php', FORMATTER_DIR), $error, compact('text'));

2. formatter/wiki.php, formatter/highlight/notypo.php, formatter/highlight/wacko.php, formatter/highlight/info.php, formatter/highlight/noinclude.php, formatter/highlight/details.php, formatter/highlight/noautolinks.php, formatter/highlight/typografica.php
The Ut::join_path call(s) in each file need to be modified. For example:
#include Ut::join_path(FORMATTER_DIR, 'post_wacko.php');
include $this->BuildFullpathFromMultipath('post_wacko.php', FORMATTER_DIR);

2.1. Localization (optional)

put this at the end of your language file


3. Changelog

0.1 Intitial version

4. To Do

Referring pages:

  1. Dev/PatchesHacks[link2]