Usage of WackoFormatter

1. Simple usage

Simple usage is really simple:

require_once 'class/WackoFormatter.php';

$parser = new WackoFormatter();
$formatted $parser->format($text); 

(See example.php)

But simple usage cannot provide actions and highlighters functionality, either request-time linking and custom linking features.

2. Advanced usage

If you want to use advanced features of WackoFormatter, you should create custom config-class.

2.1. Default config class

class WackoFormatterConfigDefault
__construct() {}

// return unique identifier of this page
function get_page_id() { return 0; }

// return value of some configuration option
function GetConfigValue($option) { return false; }

// format piece of text with some formatter
function format($text$formatter false) {return $text;}

// preformat links
function pre_link($url$text false)
        if (!
$text$text htmlspecialchars($url);

'<a href="' $url '">' $text '</a>';

// preformat action
function wrap_action($action)
'{{' $action '}}';  // <!--action:end--><!--/notypo-->

// format link
function link ($url$options$text)
        if (!
$text$text htmlspecialchars($url);

'<a href="' $url '">' $text '</a>';

// run some action
function action($action$params)

2.2. Actions

Action is dynamic substance. Bluntly speaking, it's a PHP code snippet that provide some dynamic information. You can see manual about WackoWiki's actions at /Doc/English/Actions.

Right now, WackoFormatter (rather WackoFormatterConfigDefault) doesn't provide functions for action calling — you need to redefine action() method and implement it by yourself. I'm not inconceivable that we'll provide advanced WackoFormatterConfig in future.

2.3. Highlighters

Highlighter is code that does text formatting. For example, some programming language highlighter or highlighter for Jabber logs.

Right now, WackoFormatter (rather WackoFormatterConfigDefault) doesn't provide functions for highlighter calling — you need to redefine Format() method and implement it by yourself. I'm not excepting that we'll provide advanced WackoFormatterConfig in future.

2.4. Linking

WackoFormatter doesn't process links by himself. It just call link() method, where should be all "fuzzy logic".

Right now, WackoFormatterConfigDefault provides basical linking procedures, but if you want to upgrade them, you need to redefine link() method and implement it by yourself. I'm not excepting that we'll provide advanced WackoFormatterConfig in future.

There's two methods for linking: pre_link() and link(). We need both because common usage looks in the following way:

  1. On save we format text, then store it to Database. Here we only pre_link text.
  2. On request we get text from Database, do actual linking, then send HTML to User-Agent.

Why we don't do actual linking before storing into Database? Due to dynamic nature of any Wiki, we don't know today what wiki-link will refer to existing or non-existing page tomorrow. So we need do actual linking strictly when we get page request.

2.5. Options of formatter

Options stored in associative array $this->config of WackoFormatterConfig class.

Current version of WackoFormatter includes these options:

  • disable_wikilinks — if set to 1, disables linking for CamelCaseWords.
  • disable_tikilinks — if set to 1, disables linking for Double.CamelCaseWords. REMOVED
  • disable_bracketslinks — if set to 1, disables [[link]] and ((link)) syntax.
  • disable_npjlinks — if set to 1, disables linking for See::Example and user@node:address links, used in NPJ software. REMOVED
  • allow_rawhtml — if set to 1, enables <# #> syntax for including raw HTML.
  • disable_formatters — if set to 1, disables %%code%% syntax, used for highlighters.

You want to use these formatting options? Put them into your script:

For example: Disable WikiLinks

'disable_wikilinks' => 1,

and your CamelCase Words will no longer be linked directly to a new page.

2.6. Example config class

// define example customConfig class
class customConfig extends WackoFormatterConfigDefault
customConfig() {}
// return unique identifier of this page
function get_page_id() { return $this->id; }

// preformat links
function pre_link($url$text false)
        if (!
$text$text $url;

'<!--link:begin-->' $url ' == ' $text '<!--link:end-->';

// preformat action
function wrap_action($action)
'<!--action:begin-->' $action '<!--action:end-->';

// format link
function link ($tag$options$text)
$text htmlspecialchars($textENT_NOQUOTES);

        if (
// this is a valid Email
return '<a href="' . ($matches[1] == "mailto:" $tag "mailto:" $tag) . '">' $text '</a>';
        else if (
// html-anchor
return '<a href="' $tag '">' $text '</a>';
        else if (
// external image
return '<img src="' $tag '" ' . ($text'alt="' $text '" title="' $text '"' '') . ' />';
        else if (
// this is a valid external URL
return '<a href="' $tag '">' $text '</a>';
        else if (
// it's a Wiki link!
$tag $matches[1];
            if (!
$text$text htmlspecialchars($tagENT_NOQUOTES);

'<a href="' $tag '">' $text '</a>';


(See example_adv.php)
