WackoWiki: Upgrade Instructions for 4.3

https://wackowiki.org/doc     Version: 2 (10/28/2017 12:45)

Upgrade Instructions for 4.3

  1. Backup all your important files including the files in the Wacko folder and in the database as well. You never know.
    • Extract the updated version of WackoWiki on to your hard disk.
  2. If you want to keep your layout, you have to use a program like WinMerge[link1] to merge your *.css and other theme files with the new files in the folder wacko/themes/default.
  3. (optional) You can create a file named locked in the wacko folder. This file should contain one line - this word will be the password. When Wacko finds this file, it will ask every visitor for a login/password, because of the upgrade process. The login name is "admin", the password is the content of locked file.
  4. Now, upload the complete folder to your WackoWiki place. Let it replace the old files, if necessary.
    • However: wakka.config.php MUST be re-used from the old installation if you want to upgrade. Otherwise you will get database problems.
    • And: You MUST upload new files into the same directory if you want to upgrade.
  5. Navigate with your browser to the WackoWiki folder as you wanted to visit your page.
  6. If the data base needs updating, the installer will start automatically. It is self explanatory.
  7. Go to page and check the result! If you have any problems, you may have to adjust some *.css files.
  8. (see step 4) Do not forget to remove locked file.

If you see the blank page on any step,
  1. Open index.php and comment the line 8, "ob_start ("ob_gzhandler");", with an //.
  2. Then see DB error and report it to the bugtracker[link2] along with the steps to reproduce the problem.