Replace inline JavaScript
Unobtrusive JavaScript[link1]How to Use HTML5 Data Attributes[link2]
CSP[link3] uses '
' or data:
inside script-src
Replace inline JavaScript
oncontextmenu onmousedown onload onclick onerror onmouseover onmouseout
DONE<script>var dbclick = "page";</script>
- use data-dbclick for page and comments[...]d-vs-document-onload[link4]

//'Getting' data-attributes using dataset var showhandler = document.getElementById('showhandler'); var dbclick = showhandler.dataset.dbclick1; // dbclick = 'page';
Refactoring inline code
Unsigned JavaScript code placed inline
By default CSP disables any unsigned JavaScript code placed inline in the HTML source, such as this:<script>var foo = "314"<script>
The inline code can be enabled by specifying its SHA256 hash in the CSP header:
Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'sha256-gPMJwWBMWDx0Cm7ZygJKZIU2vZpiYvzUQjl5Rh37hKs='
This particular script's hash can be calculated using the following command:
echo -n 'var foo = "314"' | openssl sha256 -binary | openssl base64
Some browsers (e.g. Chrome) will also display the hash of the script in JavaScript console warning when blocking an unsigned script.
The inline code can be also simply moved to a separate JavaScript file:
<script>var foo = "314"<script>
<script src="app.js"></script>
with `app.js` containing the `var foo = "314"` code.
Inline event handlers
The inline code restriction also applies to inline event handlers, so that the following construct will be blocked under CSP:
<button id="button1" onclick="doSomething()">
This should be replaced by `addEventListener' calls:
document.getElementById("button1").addEventListener('click', doSomething);
Variable assignment in inline scripts. Rather than do this:
<script>var foo = "314";<script>
Leverage HTML5's custom data attributes by setting the value as follows:
<body data-foo="314”> ... </body>
And access the value by doing:
var itemID = document.body.getAttribute("data-foo”);
- [link1]
- [link2]
- [link3]
- [link4]