
Also available in Deutsch and Русский

1. Text formatter

in the WackoWiki installation package, the following text formatters are included:

1.1. chat

Allows you to generate IM messenger logs in a readable form.

1.2. code

Allows to display any code in any programming language. This code is not interpreted by the Wacko formatters.

1.3. comment

The text that is commented out is not displayed.

1.4. noautolinks

stops the automatic formatting of a WikiWord

1.5. paragrafica

detailed description under Typografica.

1.6. php

shows the code in PHP syntax

1.7. post_wacko

internal formatter, use is not necessary

1.8. pre_wacko

internal formatter, use is not necessary

1.9. wacko

internal formatter, use is not necessary

1.10. sql

shows the code in the SQL syntax

1.11. typografica

detailed description under Typografica.

1.12. wiki

Standard formatter that ensures the correct use of the wiki formatting rules.

2. Call a formatter

Any formatter can be called using the following syntax:
%%(Formatter) Text %%

If no name is specified, the formatter code is used.

It is not necessary to call the formatters wiki and typografica separately, they interpret any text as a presetting.

If this is not set in the configuration file ('default_typografica' = > '0'), then it is possible to call the text with typografica by %%(typografica) for example -- dash%%.

3. Create a new formatter

It is necessary to create a PHP file that takes the input variable $text and output the result with stdout (for example, using echo / print), and is placed in the /formatter folder.

If you have created a new formatter and it works, send it to us.

Most likely, we'll take it on this page or in the next version of WackoWiki. Thanks in advance.

4. Links

Wiki text formatter: WackoFormatter

5. Questions
