WackoWiki: Secondary Config

https://wackowiki.org/doc     Version: 29 (22.02.2024 12:54)

Secondary Config

stored in config table

Changes in the secondary config[link1] can be done via
  1. editing the config_value in the config table via phpMyAdmin.
    • Don't forget to delete the _cache/config/config.php afterwards, e.g. {{admincache}}
  2. the Admin panel[link2]

no config_name value default
1. abuse_email abuse@example.com
2. account_page Settings
3. acl_lock 0
4. admin_email webmaster@example.com
5. admin_name WikiAdmin
6. allow_email_reuse 0
7. allow_intercom 0
8. allow_license_per_page 0
9. allow_massemail 0
10. allow_persistent_cookie 1
11. allow_rawhtml 1
12. allow_registration 1
13. allow_themes 0
14. allow_themes_per_page 1
15. allow_x11colors 0
16. allowed_email_domains
17. allowed_languages 0
18. anonymize_ip 0
19. ap_failed_login_count 0
20. ap_max_login_attempts 4
21. approve_new_user 0
22. attachments_handler 2
23. autosubscribe 1
24. cache 1
25. cache_sql 0
26. cache_sql_ttl 600
27. cache_ttl 600
28. canonical 0
29. captcha_edit_page 1
30. captcha_new_comment 1
31. captcha_new_page 1
32. captcha_registration 1
33. categories_handler 1
34. category_page Category
35. changes_page RecentChanges
36. check_mimetype 1
37. comment_delay 30
38. comments_count 10
39. comments_page RecentlyCommented
40. create_thumbnail 1
41. csp 1
42. date_format dd.MM.yyyy
43. debug 3
44. debug_admin_only 0
45. debug_sql_threshold 0
46. default_comment_acl $
47. default_create_acl $
48. default_diff_mode 3
49. default_read_acl *
50. default_rename_redirect 0
51. default_upload_acl Admins
52. default_write_acl $
53. diff_modes 0,1,2,3,4,5
54. disable_bracketslinks 0
55. disable_formatters 0
56. disable_safehtml 0
57. disable_wikilinks 1
58. disable_wikiname 1
59. edit_summary 1
60. email_confirmation 1
61. email_from WackoWiki
62. email_priority 3
63. email_subject_prefix
64. enable_captcha 1
65. enable_comments 1
66. enable_counters 1
67. enable_email 1
68. enable_email_notification 1
69. enable_feeds 1
70. enable_license 0
71. enable_referrers 1
72. enable_security_headers 1
73. enable_system_message 0
74. export_handler 1
75. ext_bad_behaviour 1
76. feed_linkto diff
77. footer_comments 1
78. footer_files 1
79. footer_tags 1
80. forbidden_email_domains
81. form_token_time 7200
82. forum_cluster Forum
83. forum_topics 10
84. groups_page Groups
85. help_page
86. hide_index 0
87. hide_locked 1
88. hide_revisions 0
89. hide_toc 0
90. index_page PageIndex
91. intercom_delay 30
92. ip_login_limit_max 50
93. jpeg_quality 92
94. keep_deleted_time 0
95. language en
96. license
97. link_target 0
98. list_count 50
99. log_default_show 6
100. log_level 7
101. log_purge_time 0
102. login_page Login
103. logo_display 0
104. logo_height 50
105. logo_width 108
106. maint_last_cache 1708608249
107. maint_last_delpages 1
108. maint_last_log 1
109. maint_last_oldpages 1
110. maint_last_refs 1708691049
111. maint_last_session 1708863849
112. maint_last_update 2023-07-21 09:47:05
113. maint_last_xml_sitemap 1696143719
114. max_image_area 0
115. max_image_width 1024
116. max_login_attempts 3
117. max_page_size 2097152
118. max_thumb_width 150
119. menu_items 5
120. minor_edit 1
121. multilanguage 1
122. name_date_macro %s (%s)
123. news_cluster News
124. news_levels /.+
125. news_structure
126. nofollow 0
127. noindex 1
128. noreferrer 0
129. noreply_email noreply@example.com
130. notify_comment 1
131. notify_diff_mode 2
132. notify_minor_edit 1
133. notify_new_user_account 1
134. notify_page 2
135. notify_upload 1
136. numerate_links 0
137. opensearch 0
138. owners_can_remove_comments 1
139. pages_purge_time 0
140. paragrafica 1
141. password_page Password
142. permissions_policy 1
143. phpmailer_method mail
144. privacy_page
145. publish_anonymously 0
146. pwd_admin_min_chars 15
147. pwd_char_classes 0
148. pwd_min_chars 10
149. pwd_unlike_login 1
150. random_page RandomPage
151. referrer_policy 7
152. referrers_purge_time 1
153. registration_delay 10
154. registration_page Registration
155. remove_onlyadmins 0
156. rename_global_acl Admins
157. reverse_proxy 0
158. reverse_proxy_addresses
159. reverse_proxy_header
160. review 0
161. rewrite_mode 1
162. root_page HomePage
163. search_page Search
164. section_edit 1
165. session_length 30
166. session_notice 0
167. session_store 1
168. show_permalink 1
169. show_spaces 1
170. site_desc Cover what you do best. Link to the rest.
171. site_favicon favicon.svg
172. site_logo wacko_logo.png
173. site_name MyWikiSite
174. smtp_auto_tls 1
175. smtp_connection_mode
176. smtp_host localhost
177. smtp_password
178. smtp_port 587
179. smtp_username
180. sorting_comments 0
181. source_handler 1
182. spam_filter 1
183. standard_handlers addcomment|admin\.php|attachments|categories|...
184. store_deleted_pages 1
185. svg_sanitizer 1
186. system_message
187. system_message_audience 1
188. system_message_type warning
189. terms_page
190. theme default
191. theme_color #000000
192. time_format HH:mm
193. time_format_seconds HH:mm:ss
194. timezone UTC
195. tls 1
196. tls_implicit 0
197. tree_level 1
198. typografica 0
199. upload admins
200. upload_allowed_exts avif, gif, jpe, jpeg, jpg, jxl, m4a, mp3, odt, ogg, ogv, pdf, png, svg, txt, webm, zip
201. upload_banned_exts asax, asa, ascx, ashx, asmx, aspx, asp, axd, ...
202. upload_images_only 1
203. upload_max_size 52428800
204. upload_quota 0
205. upload_quota_per_user 0
206. upload_translit 1
207. urls_underscores 1
208. user_can_delete_account 0
209. username_chars_max 20
210. username_chars_min 3
211. users_page Users
212. xml_changes_link 1
213. xml_sitemap 1
214. xml_sitemap_gz 0
215. xml_sitemap_time 1
216. xml_sitemap_update 0
217. youarehere_text