WackoWiki: 4.3 Release Notes

https://wackowiki.org/doc     Version: 18 (20.08.2021 09:03)

4.3 Release Notes


(20.03.2011) e192369[link1] (Change Log[link2])

The 4.3 release serves two purposes. The first is to release a number of bug fixes to the wacko community and the second is to say wacko is officially alive again. Primarily we are just taking care of all the bugs in the bugtracker whilst implementing user requested extra features along the way. Here's a brief summary of the changes we've made in 4.3:

Notable in this release:



Repo files

Clone repo
git clone -b 4.3.0 https://bitbucket.org/wackowiki/wackowiki.git	



new config settings

  1. 'database_driver' => 'mysql_legacy',
  2. 'database_host' => 'localhost',
  3. 'database_port' => ' ',
  4. 'database_database' => 'wacko'
  5. 'database_user' => 'wacko',
  6. 'database_password' => 'mypassword',
  7. 'session_prefix' => 'wacko43_',
  8. 'xml_sitemap' => 0,
  9. 'spam_filter' => 1, - spam_filter config parameter
  10. 'captcha_new_comment' => 1,
  11. 'captcha_new_page' => 1,
  12. 'captcha_edit_page' => 1,
  13. 'captcha_registration' => 1,

Backwards Compatibility

Known Issues

All known issues are tracked in our Bug Tracker.[link5]
