WackoWiki: ToDo R6.0

https://wackowiki.org/doc     Version: 376 (18.12.2023 17:58)

ToDo R6.0

R 6.0

R6.0 is no longer maintained, please upgrade to R6.1[link1].

1. Features

2. Core

  1. add option to disable hit counter
    • user already uses web analytics software or there is no use case for a hit counter
    • This reduces database load, updating the page and file hits field with every page hit is a main source for slow queries.

3. Handler

4. Libs

  1. php-diff successor[link3]
    1. https://github.com/jfcherng/php-diff
    2. https://github.com/JBlond/php-diff <-- SWITCHED TO
    3. https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/diff