WackoWiki: Addressing in other systems

https://wackowiki.org/doc     Version: 5 (14.01.2022 00:48)

Addressing in other systems

Also available in Deutsch[link1] and Русский[link2]

Additions to this table will be gratefully received.
OpenWiki The inserted pages are addressed on /page.
Root - on page.
One-level on ../page.
MoinMoinWiki So .
UseModWiki The pages of the second level (inserted for the first or one-level for the second) are addressed on /page.
Root - on page.
The third level is not supported..
PhpWiki http://wiki.forth.org.ru/dir1/dir2/namee
c2.com Not supported.
TWiki Nameapace.page for the page from another space of names.
Page for the page from the current space of names.
WikiPedia Nameapace:page for the page from another space of names.
Page for the page from the current space of names.
Urls Nesting is not supported.
Root - /page.
One-level - Page.- page.
FAT So .
DokuWiki :namespace:namespace2:page, while at namespace has a «Account», so that the user looks like a sub-page. Level - unlimited

None of the mentioned systems HIDES the syntax of addressing.

Referring pages:

  1. Doc/Deutsch/Cluster/Vergleich[link3]
  2. Doc/English/Cluster[link4]