WackoWiki: Cluster

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Wacko Clusters -- Hierarchies in WackoWiki

It allows pages to be divided among "directories / name spaces" using forward slashes and a method of addressing that is typically used with URLs. A cluster refers to all pages within a certain namespace.

Rules of simplified addressing:

  1. Link to the current page
    • If a link to a page must be made on that same page,
    • the notation ! must be used
  2. Link to a page at the same level
    • if a link to ../English/TwoCharacterRule must be made from this page,
    • write it this way: TwoCharacterRule
  3. Link to a page that is lower in the hierarchy
    • if a link to ../English/Cluster/SubPage must be made from this page,
    • write it this way: !/SubPage
  4. Link to a page that is higher in the hierarchy
    • if a link to /News, which is one level up in the hierarchy, must be made from this page,
    • write it this way: ../News
  5. Link to a top-level page -- just as in good old DOS
    • if a link to /ToDo must be made from this page,
    • write it this way: /ToDo -- just as in Documentation[link4]

Addressing in other systems[link5]