WackoWiki: Configuration Files

https://wackowiki.org/doc     Version: 7 (11/27/2018 08:43)

Configuration Files

All configuration files are to be found in the /config folder.

The values in config_defaults.php are read during the installation into the database (into the table <database-name>.<prefix>_config) and then managed there. Only if a value is not set in the database, the value from config_defaults.php is used. The admin panel[link1] is the preferred method to edit these values.

file type description
antispam.conf blacklist Spam blacklist
autoload.conf autoload
config_defaults.php config[link2] default settings for secondary config
config.php config[link2] basic wiki configuration
csp_custom.conf csp default CSP settings
csp_defaults.conf csp custom CSP settings
interwiki.conf interwiki interwiki shortcut links
lock lock site lock
lock_ap lock Admin panel lock
mime.types mime mime type
router.conf router URI router settings