WackoWiki: Action: Embed

https://wackowiki.org/doc     Version: 22 (05/25/2022 11:47)

Action: Embed

Également disponible en Deutsch[link1], English[link2], Русский[link3]

Vous permet d'intégrer des PDF et des clips provenant de youtube et de certains autres sites.
Seuls les trois premiers arguments sont obligatoires. Le reste est optionnel.

{{embed url="file:the_movie.mp4 width=100 height=100 [align="left|center|right"]}}


{{embed url="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/FH9X0Xbs_vk" width=480 height=360}}


  1. If CSP is enabled what is recommended, you must set the CSP directives in your csp_custom.conf:
  2. check yor Content-Security-Policy settings
    • Content-Security-Policy:
      	default-src 'self' *.wackowiki.org;
      	script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' *.wackowiki.org;
      	style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' *.wackowiki.org;
      	img-src *;
      	media-src 'self' youtube.com youtube-nocookie.com;
      	object-src 'self' *.googlevideo.com *.ytimg.com *.youtube.com *.youtube-nocookie.com;
      	frame-src 'self' *.youtube.com *.youtube-nocookie.com;	
    • uMatrix add-on for Firefox
  3. set your Content-Security-Policy (CSP) in your secondary config config['csp'] to 2 (custom)