WackoWiki: R5.0.5 released

https://wackowiki.org/doc     Version: 26 (13.01.2024 08:18)

R5.0.5 released

R5.0.5 is out wacko.r5.0.5.zip[link1] (1.3 MB) Release Notes[link2]


This is a major release.

Notable in this release:

Full WackoWiki 5.0 changelog[link4]

normalized table structure of WackoWiki R5.0 database

If you want upgrade from a previous version follow these instructions[link5].

Source Downloads

Clone repo
git clone -b 5.0.5 https://github.com/WackoWiki/wackowiki.git	

This is the one and only upgrade and migration path to the new code base.
The 5.0.x development branch is reserved mainly for this purpose.

All users should upgrade.