WackoWiki: Release Process

https://wackowiki.org/doc     Version: 21 (12.04.2024 08:14)

Release Process

Release early, release often. This is a mantra from free software communities. It's accurate. You want to do your design work in the open, and get critical feedback as early as possible.

1. Stages

2. Issue tracker

3. Change Log


Feed Title: wackowiki

WackoWiki 6.1.16[link1]

… – Changes: Bug fix release for 6.1.x series, improved section edit implementation, new alternate formatter syntax (``), Typografica supports quotes again (fixed a old charset conversion error), new highlight.js and timeline formatter (see community folder), miscellaneous minor fixes, PHPMailer 6.7

4. Release Notes

5. Build packages

Set back error reporting level in constants.php

Set back error SQL mode to permissive in config.php
'sql_mode_strict' => '0',	

6. Repository

7. Update Files

7.1. Update file references

wackowiki-6.1.25.zip[link2] (2.2 MiB)

Development version
wacko.tar.gz[link3] (see Repository[link4])

8. Release notices and announcements