Category Pages category: backup Backup and Restore How do I migrate my database to a newer version? Migrating WackoWiki to another webserver Move entire wiki onto a new server Moving WackoWiki to a new server Bulgarian (bg) Danish (da) German (de) Greek (el) English (en) Spanish (es) Estonian (et) Persian (fa) French (fr) Hindi (hi) Hungarian (hu) Italian (it) Japanese (ja) Korean (ko) Dutch (nl) Polish (pl) Portuguese (pt) Russian (ru) Tamil (ta) Chinese (zh) Chinese (zh-tw) Update Categories : action × 29 forum × 2 admin panel × 10 advocacy × 2 apache × 5 mode_rewrite × 6 cache × 2 categories × 2 chmod × 3 config × 19 contribute × 4 conviviality × 2 css × 3 css3 × 2 database × 11 backup × 5 mariadb × 4 mysql × 4 restore × 6 sql mode × 6 debugging × 6 documentation × 1 email × 3 example × 3 extension × 1 formatter × 27 highlighter × 8 paragrafica × 3 typografica × 5 wrapper × 1 handler × 5 how to × 2 html × 4 html5 × 4 https × 1 installation × 15 interwiki × 1 javascript × 10 linux × 2 localization × 1 localStorage × 1 markup × 2 menu × 1 migrate × 1 navigation × 3 nginx × 5 notifications × 1 ogp × 1 password × 1 passwort reset × 3 permissions × 4 php × 8 intl × 2 regex × 4 release × 12 change log × 9 release notes × 7 repository × 5 git × 5 mercurial × 1 requirements × 5 routing × 2 screenshots × 5 security × 16 csp × 6 hsts × 1 seo × 2 session × 6 site news × 2 spam × 4 bad behaviour × 2 captcha × 2 support × 4 svg × 2 syntax × 6 template × 11 themes × 10 todo × 3 tools × 6 eclipse × 2 mantis × 1 phpstorm × 2 translation × 6 transliteration × 3 unicode × 13 iri × 1 utf-8 × 6 upgrade × 14 upload × 3 upstream × 1 usability × 6 wakka × 3 wikiedit × 2 windows × 4 xampp × 5 audio × 1 image × 1 video × 2 template Read comment (1 comment)