This is a comment on Embedding an iframe, posted by WikiAdmin at 03/17/2017 16:18

View source for Settings for using iframe

Requiered settings:
  1. HTML support must be enabled for the particular page or globally.
    * If SafeHtml is set on globally in the configuration, which is strongly recommended, --- you must ensure that at [page properties -> extended] 'Filtering of unsafe HTML' is disabled for this particular page. Otherwise turn SafeHtml off ##'allow_rawhtm' -> 0## in your secondary config.
    * For security reasons only members of the Admins group are allowed to do that by default.
  1. Security Headers
    * If you’re wanting to load your WackoWiki installation in an IFrame or using it via different domains you’ll need to modify the ##csp_custom.conf##. Otherwise turn the setting off ##'enable_security_headers' => 0## in your secondary config (by hand in the config table via phpMyAdmin or the ((/Doc/English/AdminPanel Admin Panel)) ).

Insert the provided code snippet in the wiki page via ##""<# HTML here #>""##.

%%<#<iframe width="640" height="480" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=",175.493975&spn=0.033008,0.054932&t=p&z=14&output=embed"></iframe><br />
<small><a href=",175.493975&spn=0.033008,0.054932&t=p&z=14&source=embed" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>#>%%