This is a comment on Cannot refer to uploaded files, posted by coffe1nk at 04.05.2022 15:01
View source for Re: Cannot refer to uploaded files
Hi WikiAdmin, This is the debug output: %%Program execution statistics Memory allocated: 4.00 MiB Overall time taken: 0.055 sec. Execution time: 0.052 sec. SQL time: 0.003 sec. SQL queries: 13 SQL queries dump follows: SELECT p.*, u.user_name, o.user_name AS owner_name FROM wacko_page p LEFT JOIN wacko_user o ON (p.owner_id = o.user_id) LEFT JOIN wacko_user u ON (p.user_id = u.user_id) WHERE tag = 'test' LIMIT 1 [0.0005 sec., 1 rows] SELECT c.category_id, c.category, c.category_lang FROM wacko_category c INNER JOIN wacko_category_assignment ca ON (c.category_id = ca.category_id) WHERE ca.object_id = 18 AND ca.object_type_id = 1 [0.0002 sec., 0 rows] SELECT watch_id, comment_id, pending FROM wacko_watch WHERE user_id = 3 AND page_id = 18 LIMIT 1 [0.0001 sec., 1 rows] SELECT file_id FROM wacko_file_link WHERE page_id IN (18) [0.0001 sec., 0 rows] SELECT to_page_id, to_tag FROM wacko_page_link WHERE from_page_id IN (18) [0.0001 sec., 0 rows] SELECT SUM(file_size) AS used_user_quota FROM wacko_file WHERE user_id = 3 LIMIT 1 [0.0005 sec., 1 rows] SELECT SUM(file_size) AS used_quota FROM wacko_file LIMIT 1 [0.0004 sec., 1 rows] INSERT INTO wacko_file SET page_id = 18, user_id = 3,file_name = 'image_210.png', file_lang = 'en', file_description = '', file_size = 146011,picture_w = 1600,picture_h = 1030,file_ext = 'png',mime_type = 'image/png',uploaded_dt = '2022-05-04 15:00:41',modified_dt = UTC_TIMESTAMP() [0.0002 sec., -1 rows] SELECT COUNT(file_id) AS n FROM wacko_file WHERE 1=1 AND page_id = 18 AND deleted <> 1 LIMIT 1 [0.0002 sec., 1 rows] UPDATE wacko_page SET files = 0 WHERE page_id = 18 LIMIT 1 [0.0002 sec., 0 rows] SELECT COUNT(file_id) AS n FROM wacko_file WHERE 1=1 AND user_id = 3 AND deleted <> 1 LIMIT 1 [0.0002 sec., 1 rows] UPDATE wacko_user SET total_uploads = 0 WHERE user_id = 3 LIMIT 1 [0.0001 sec., 0 rows] SELECT file_id FROM wacko_file WHERE file_name = 'image_210.png' AND page_id = 18 LIMIT 1 [0.0001 sec., 0 rows] Language data Multilanguage: false HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE set: true HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE value: en-US,en;q=0.5 User agent language: en User language set: true User language value: en Page language: en Config language: en User selected language: en Charset: utf-8 HTML Entities Charset: UTF-8 MySQL character set character_set_client: utf8mb4 character_set_connection: utf8mb4 character_set_database: utf8mb4 character_set_filesystem: binary character_set_results: utf8mb4 character_set_server: utf8mb4 character_set_system: utf8 collation_connection: utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci SQL mode set GLOBAL: ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION SESSION: ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION Session data session_id(): 7613U41sIKPPTCyhSXB5m Base URL: http://wacko.kmb-note/ Rewrite Mode: on HTTP_MOD_ENV: on HTTP_MOD_REWRITE: on HTTPS: off IP-address: SERVER_PORT: 80 TLS: on TLS implicit: off Cookie path: /%% <[I did a local test with WackoWiki 6.0.30 and all works as expected.]> I have tried 6.0.30 too, but the installation stopped before creating tables. I think I will create another thread for this problem.