This is a comment on Once again about an empty screen, posted by WikiAdmin at 06.09.2024 04:39

View source for Re: Once again about an empty screen

Please activate the debug mode in your constant.php file, run the installer again, and report what the PHP error log is telling you.

Turning PHP error reporting in **config/constants.php** on.
const DB_ERROR_MODE				= 1;
An empty screen usually means a Fatal error.

%%(info type="example" title="tmp folder for XAMPP Windows")
The default ##tmp/## folder for XAMPP Windows resides under ##C:\xampp\tmp##.

##define('CACHE_SESSION_DIR',		'/xampp/tmp');##

There is probably a ((/Org/Tools/Hosting/TestServer missing PHP extension)) (##intl##) or similar or an environment configuration issue.

  * Stop XAMPP and remove the starting semicolon ( ##;## ) from your **xampp/php/php.ini** the following code. %% ;extension=php_intl.dll %% Restart XAMPP.

Please check if you've activated the intl extension, for some reason in XAMPP for Windows it is not enabled by default.

The latest WackoWiki version is well tested. Do not use old versions.

You can of course update your Wiki with the installer from 6.1.3 to 6.1.25.
WackoWiki 6.1.4 introduces the IntlDateFormatter ([[ see log]]).