This is a comment on Once again about an empty screen, posted by WikiAdmin at 09/12/2024 07:43
View source for Re: Once again about an empty screen | error source
The culprit: U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR %% Fatal error: Uncaught IntlException: datefmt_create: invalid locale: U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR in D:\xampp\htdocs\wikieng\class\wacko.php:536 Stack trace: #0 D:\xampp\htdocs\wikieng\class\wacko.php(536): IntlDateFormatter->__construct('C', 0, 0, 'UTC', NULL, 'dd.MM.yyyy HH:m...') %% (( IntlDateFormatter constructor throws an exception for unknown locales since 8.1.25)) Somehow your installation passes ##C## (un'C'onfigured) as local, but it should be something like ##en_US.utf8##. (( PHP 8.0: Backward Incompatible Changes)) %%The default locale on startup is now always "C". No locales are inherited from the environment by default. Previously, LC_ALL was set to "C", while LC_CTYPE was inherited from the environment. However, some functions did not respect the inherited locale without an explicit setlocale() call. An explicit setlocale() call is now always required if a locale component should be changed from the default.%% Its a ##setlocale()## issue. I assume the value is missing due to an old or outdate cached system default. In Wacko class ##set_language()##: ##$this->lang['locale'] = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 0);## If you modify the lines in ##/etc/apache2/envvars## as follows ... %%(ini) ## The locale used by some modules like mod_dav # export LANG=C ## Uncomment the following line to use the system default locale instead: . /etc/default/locale %% and restart Apache. Then Apache will use the locale and language settings from your operating system. Please try to delete the config cache, **restart** your XAMPP so it will take the new value. Guess this should do it, but I'm not sure - having no Windows OS at hand for testing. On my Linux machine with XAMPP all works as expected. For a possible fix see comment below.