This is a comment on Bad Behaviour for WackoWiki, posted by WikiAdmin at 10.05.2022 06:44
View source for optimize log_table for bad_behavior
%% "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `$name_escaped` ( `log_id` INT(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `ip` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL, `host` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `date` DATETIME NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `request_method` VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, `request_uri` VARCHAR(2083) NOT NULL, `server_protocol` VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL, `http_headers` TEXT NOT NULL, `user_agent` TEXT NOT NULL, `user_agent_hash` CHAR(40) NOT NULL, `request_entity` TEXT NOT NULL, `status_key` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`log_id`), KEY `idx_staus_key` (`status_key`), KEY `idx_user_agent_hash` (`user_agent_hash`), KEY `idx_ip` (`ip`), KEY `idx_request_method` (`request_method`) );"; // TODO: INDEX might need tuning %% 1. ##ip## TEXT -> 2. VARCHAR(45) 3. 1. add field ##host## to avoid random lookups over and over again -> VARCHAR(255) 2. 2. ##request_method## TEXT -> 3. VARCHAR (8) 3. 'GET', 'HEAD', 'POST', 'PUT' 3. ##request_uri## TEXT -> 1. VARCHAR(2083) 4. -> de facto limit of 2000 characters 5. 4. ##server_protocol## TEXT -> 5. VARCHAR (10) 5. 'HTTP/1.0', 'HTTP/1.1' 5. ##http_headers## TEXT -> 6. ##user_agent## TEXT -> 7. 8. Have another UNIQUE BINARY(32) (or 64, or 128 depending on your hash length) and hash the UserAgent 9. ##user_agent_hash## -> CHAR(40) 7. ##request_entity## TEXT -> 8. ##key## TEXT -> 9. VARCHAR (8) 10. 'key' is reserved word -> rename to 'status_key'