This is a comment on Extended Search, posted by WikiAdmin at 04.06.2017 06:35
View source for using weights for different columns
Here's a query I use to return relevance-based data while still using boolean mode searches, and using weights for different columns, and even weights for specific results: %%SELECT id, store, name, (((MATCH(name) AGAINST(?) * 1.2) + MATCH(description, keywords) AGAINST (?) + ((MATCH(creators) AGAINST (?) * 1.2)) / 3) + (((store IN ('xfx','w3d')) * .12) * ((store IN ('iv', '3da', 'vp')) * .1))) * MATCH(description,keywords,requirements,creators,name) AGAINST(? IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS sort_rel FROM prod_text WHERE MATCH(description,keywords,requirements,creators,name) AGAINST(? IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND store != 'pp' HAVING sort_rel > 0.2 ORDER BY sort_rel DESC%%