This is a comment on Aktion: Wiki-Messenger, posted by WikiAdmin at 07/06/2020 15:12
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A simple wiki messenger that allows registered users to write messages within the wiki. Furthermore, you have the option to keep a contact list and create your own folders to receive the messages manage accordingly. The sender can mark messages and is informed whether a message has been read. A line of code is also prepared, which can be integrated in the header.php - to the user immediately after registration to indicate in the wiki that he has received new messages. The code is based on the Wikka Mail script and has only been slightly adapted and translated. The filter function has been completely removed because it is only of limited use or useful. Mail was renamed Messenger because of the confusion. The function delete messages has also been revised because the messages in the original code are not from the database have been deleted, but simply no longer appear in the inbox. The message is then no longer in the Inbox, but an enormous database is building up - since the messages weren't really deleted. The implemented help for the Wiki Messenger is not yet completely finished, but will be completed shortly. But since almost all functions are self-explanatory, there is nothing to prevent them from being used. To install the message system, the existing SQL table must be expanded by two entries and the subsequent php file are copied to the /action folder Messenger is called in the wiki with ##~{{messenger}}## This script must be saved under the name messenger.php and copied into the / action folder.