This is a comment on Fresh install produces a blank page, posted by WikiAdmin at 11.03.2022 12:22

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It seems that the **intl extension** is missing. 
%%Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Normalizer' not found%% 


I tested only XAMPP for Linux, so I guessing that the intl extension is not enabled by default in XAMPP for Windows.

I found **two** possible issues:
  1. (( How can I enable PHP extension intl in XAMPP for Windows?))
    * Stop XAMPP and remove the starting semicolon ( ##;## ) from your **xampp/php/php.ini** the following code. %% ;extension=php_intl.dll %% Restart XAMPP.
  1. (( XAMPP Intl extension on Windows 10 can't be installed))
    * XAMPP setup filename is contain ##VCXX## for example ##xampp-windows-x64-7.4.13-0-VC15-installer.exe##, **VC15** mean that PHP compiled with Visual Studio 2017, so you need to install ##Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017## to make PHP and Extensions running smoothly.

Please check and ensure that the intl extension is enabled and installed correctly.