This is a comment on Empty edit field while it contents cyrillic characters, posted by WikiAdmin at 08.12.2024 12:30
View source for Re: Empty edit field while it contents cyrillic characters
This is an encoding issue, caused by either your PHP/server or database settings. What is the PHP version on your new server? What is the encoding of your new database and tables? It is likely you're using a PHP version bigger than 5.3 on your new server. With PHP 5.4 the default encoding changed from ##ISO-8859-1## to ##UTF-8##. In (( PHP 5.4)) the ##default_charset## is set to UTF-8 by default, and this change is not taken into account in versions prior to WackoWiki R5.4.x. Please switch your PHP version to 5.3 or upgrade your WackoWiki to a newer version. * ((/Org/Support Supported WackoWiki versions)) * ((/Org/Tools/Hosting/TestServer Local Test Server)) * e.g. with (( XAMPP with PHP 5.2))