**((source:master/src/config/constants.php config/constants.php))**
const CONFIG_DIR = 'config'; // NB hardcoded as config/constants.php for bootstrap
const CONFIG_FILE = 'config/config.php';
const CONFIG_DEFAULTS = 'config/config_defaults.php';
const SITE_LOCK = 'config/lock';
const AP_LOCK = 'config/lock_ap';
const ACTION_DIR = 'action';
const LANG_DIR = 'lang';
const FORMATTER_DIR = 'formatter';
const HANDLER_DIR = 'handler';
const IMAGE_DIR = 'image';
const THEME_DIR = 'theme';
const THUMB_DIR = 'file/thumb';
const UPLOAD_GLOBAL_DIR = 'file/global';
const UPLOAD_LOCAL_DIR = 'file/perpage';
const UPLOAD_BACKUP_DIR = 'file/backup';
const XML_DIR = 'xml';
const CACHE_CONFIG_DIR = '_cache/config';
const CACHE_FEED_DIR = '_cache/feed';
const CACHE_PAGE_DIR = '_cache/page';
const CACHE_SQL_DIR = '_cache/query';
const CACHE_TEMPLATE_DIR = '_cache/template';
const CACHE_SESSION_DIR = '/tmp'; // '_cache/session'
const CHMOD_SAFE = 0640; // better to use 0600 in production
const CHMOD_FILE = 0644; // file creation mode
const CHMOD_DIR = 0755; // directory creation mode
const SITEMAP_XML = 'sitemap.xml';
const HTTP_403 = 'image/upload403.svg';
const HTTP_404 = 'image/upload404.svg';
const DAYSECS = 86400; // 24 * 60 * 60
const BACKUP_COMPRESSION_RATE = 9; // gzip compression rate
const BACKUP_MEMORY_STEP = 1048576; // max bytes to process per cycle (make sure it's at least 10 times less than PHP memory limit!)
const BACKUP_FILE_LOG = 'backup.log'; // backup log filename
const BACKUP_FILE_STRUCTURE = 'structure.sql'; // tables structure filename
const BACKUP_FILE_DUMP_SUFFIX = '.dat.gz'; // tables dump filename suffix
const BACKUP_FILE_GZIP_SUFFIX = '.gz'; // regular compressed files suffix
const GLOB_ALL = '{,.}*'; // for glob()
const ADD_NO_DIV = '*'; // for Wacko::method()
const SYSTEM_LANG = -1; // for Wacko::_t()
const COOKIE_SAMESITE = 'Lax'; // Strict, Lax, None
const AUTH_TOKEN = 'Auth';
const GUEST = 'guest@wacko';
const INTERCOM_MAX_SIZE = 262144;
const LOAD_NOCACHE = 0;
const LOAD_CACHE = 1;
const LOAD_ALL = 0;
const LOAD_META = 1;
const MENU_AUTO = 0;
const MENU_USER = 1;
const MENU_DEFAULT = 2;
const LINK_PAGE = 0;
const LINK_FILE = 1;
const LINK_EXTERNAL = 2;
const OBJECT_PAGE = 1;
const OBJECT_FILE = 2;
const NBSP = ' '; // \u{00A0} No-Break Space (NBSP)
const RECOVERY_MODE = 0; // 1 - restore database
const AUTO_REWRITE = 1; // 0 - off, turns off auto rewrite for debugging,
// Do not change these two lines, PLEASE-PLEASE. In fact, don't change anything! Ever!
const WACKO_VERSION = '6.1.25';
const WACKO_ENV = 4; // Environment: 1 - development, 2 - test, 3 - stage, 4 - production
const ACTION4DIFF = 'anchor, toc'; // allowed actions in DIFF
const DB_MIN_VERSION = ['mariadb' => '10.2.2', 'mysql' => '5.7.7'];
const DB_ERROR_MODE = 0; // DB error mode: 0 - silent, 1 - warning, 2 - exception
const PHP_MIN_VERSION = '8.0'; // minimum required PHP version
const PHP_MAX_VERSION = '8.3'; // maximum required PHP version
const PHP_ERROR_REPORTING = 0; // PHP error reporting: 0 - off, 6 - all