Chat highlighter

Supports various date-username-message chat log formats.

%%(chat type="[div|table]" user=[0|1])
chat log

User One Message text by User.
User Two Message text by Another User. Link in text
User Three Message text by Yet Another User.
several lines
ot text!


1. CSS


/** Chat-related *************************************************************/

/* SYNTAX % %(chat)% % */

.chat-user { padding: 2px; vertical-align:top; white-space: nowrap; font-weight: bold  }
.chat-time { padding: 2px; vertical-align:top; white-space: nowrap; font: 12px tahoma, arial }
.chat-text { padding: 2px; vertical-align:top;width: 100% }

.chat-u1 { background: #EEFFEE; }	/* green */
.chat-u2 { background: #EEEEFF; }	/* lilac */
.chat-u3 { background: #F8F6C9; }	/* yellow */
.chat-u4 { background: #D6EEFA; }	/* light blue */
.chat-u5 { background: #FFEEEE; }	/* pink */
.chat-u6 { background: #B3B8F4; }	/* blue */
.chat-u7 { background: #F9E8CD; }	/* orange */
.chat-u8 { background: #ECB3D2; }	/* violet */ 	


    Chat highlighter
    Supports various date-username-message chat log formats (see regexp description below for details)
    Installation: copy to /src/formatter/highlight/chat.php


    % %(chat)
    [12:04:34 01.05.2010] User: Message text by User.
    [13.01.2001 00:00:00] Another User: Message text by Another User. Link in text
    (03:01 AM 10 Jan 1980) Yet Another User: Message text by Yet Another User.
    several lines
    of text!
    (00.00.0000 00:00) <Fourth User> : Message text by Fourth User.
    [00.00.0000 00:00] <Fifth User>: Message text by Fifth User.
    [00:00 00.00.0000] <Sixth User> Message text by Sixth User.
    (00:00 00.00.0000) <Seventh User> Message text by Seventh User.
    and many others including multiline ones
    (00:00:00 13.01.2001) EighthUser: Message text by EighthUser.
    % %

if (!isset($options['type']))        $options['type']    = 'default';
if (!isset($options['user']))        $options['user']    = 0;

// sanitize $text
$text        = htmlspecialchars($text);
$output        = '';

// replace text links to HMTL
$text        = preg_replace('/\b(https?|ftp|file|nntp|telnet):\/\/\S+/u', '<a href="\\0" target="_blank">\\0</a>', $text);
$pattern    = '/^[\[\(]([^\r\n\]\)]*)[\]\)]\s*(&lt;)?([^:\&\r\n]*)(&gt;)?\s*:?((?:(?!^[\[\(]).*(?:\r?\n)*)*)/um';
    Explanation by

    Main string parsing rgexp is:
        ^ asserts position at start of a line
        Match a single character present in the list below [\[\(]
        \[ matches the character [ literally (case sensitive)
        \( matches the character ( literally (case sensitive)
    1st Capturing Group ([^\r\n\]\)]*) -- DATE
        Match a single character not present in the list below [^\r\n\]\)]*
        * Quantifier — Matches between zero and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy)
        \r matches a carriage return (ASCII 13)
        \n matches a line-feed (newline) character (ASCII 10)
        \] matches the character ] literally (case sensitive)
        \) matches the character ) literally (case sensitive)
        Match a single character present in the list below [\]\)]
        \] matches the character ] literally (case sensitive)
        \) matches the character ) literally (case sensitive)
        \s* matches any whitespace character (equal to [\r\n\t\f\v ])
        * Quantifier — Matches between zero and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy)
    2nd Capturing Group (&lt;)?
        ? Quantifier — Matches between zero and one times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy)
        &lt; matches the characters &lt; literally (case sensitive)
    3rd Capturing Group ([^:\&\r\n]*) -- USERNAME
        Match a single character not present in the list below [^:\&\r\n]*
        * Quantifier — Matches between zero and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy)
        : matches the character : literally (case sensitive)
        \& matches the character & literally (case sensitive)
        \r matches a carriage return (ASCII 13)
        \n matches a line-feed (newline) character (ASCII 10)
    4th Capturing Group (&gt;)?
        ? Quantifier — Matches between zero and one times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy)
        &gt; matches the characters &gt; literally (case sensitive)
        \s* matches any whitespace character (equal to [\r\n\t\f\v ])
        * Quantifier — Matches between zero and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy)
        :? matches the character : literally (case sensitive)
    5th Capturing Group ((?:(?!^[\[\(]).*(?:\r?\n)*)*) -- MESSAGE
    Global pattern flags
        m modifier: multi line. Causes ^ and $ to match the begin/end of each line (not only begin/end of string)

    If you decide to test this $pattern at please add g modifier (it becomes /mg) to make the regexp applied to the whole text.

    This $pattern matches to:
        [12:04:34 01.05.2010] User: Message text by User.
        [13.01.2001 00:00:00] Another User: Message text by Another User. Link in text
        (03:01 AM 10 Jan 1980) Yet Another User: Message text by Yet Another User.
        several lines
        of text!
        (00.00.0000 00:00) <Fourth User> : Message text by Fourth User.
        [00.00.0000 00:00] <Fifth User>: Message text by Fifth User.
        [00:00 00.00.0000] <Sixth User> Message text by Sixth User.
        (00:00 00.00.0000) <Seventh User> Message text by Seventh User.
        and many others including multiline ones
        (00:00:00 13.01.2001) EighthUser: Message text by EighthUser.
        and many others including multiline ones

    Tested with Whatsapp logs.

// split the $text into $matches: $1 - date, $3 - username, $5 - message
preg_match_all($pattern, $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);

// build the $names array of usernames in chat
$names    = [];
$c        = 1;

foreach($matches as $match)
    if (!array_key_exists($match[3], $names))
        $names[$match[3]] = $c++;

// HTML output:
//        $1 - date,
//        $3 - username,
//        $5 - message
foreach($matches as $log)
    if ($options['type'] == 'div')
        $output .=
            '<div class="chat-u'. $names[$log[3]] .'">' .
                '[' . $log[1] . '] <b>' . $log[3] . '</b>: ' . $log[5] .
        $output .=
            '<tr class="chat-u'. $names[$log[3]] .'">' .
                '<td class="chat-user">' . $log[3] . '</td>' .
                '<td class="chat-text">' . $log[5] . '</td>' .
                '<td class="chat-time">' . $log[1] . '</td>' .

// replace \n to <br> to keep multiline messages
$output = str_replace("\n", '<br>', $output);

if ($options['user'])
    // prepare alphabetical list of chat participants
    $people = '';

    foreach($names as $name => $v)
        $people .= $name . ', ';

    echo '<p><b>' . trim($people, ', ') . ':</b></p>';

if ($options['type'] == 'div')
    echo '<div>' . $output . '</div>';
    echo '<div><table>' . $output . '</table></div>';

2. beauty test

User Message text by User.
12:04:34 01.05.2010
Another User Message text by Another User. Link in text
13.01.2001 00:00:00
Yet Another User Message text by Yet Another User.
several lines
ot text!
03:01 AM 10 Jan 1980
Fourth User Message text by Fourth User.
00.00.0000 00:00
Fifth User Message text by Fifth User.
00.00.0000 00:00
Sixth User Message text by Sixth User.
00:00 00.00.0000
Seventh User Message text by Seventh User.
and many others including multiline ones
00:00 00.00.0000
EighthUser Message text by EighthUser. 00:00:00 13.01.2001

Another User, EighthUser, Fifth User, Fourth User, Seventh User, Sixth User, User, Yet Another User:

[12:04:34 01.05.2010] User Message text by User.
[13.01.2001 00:00:00] Another User Message text by Another User. Link in text
[03:01 AM 10 Jan 1980] Yet Another User Message text by Yet Another User.
several lines
ot text!
[12:04:34 01.05.2010] User Message text by User.
[00.00.0000 00:00] Fourth User Message text by Fourth User.
[00.00.0000 00:00] Fifth User Message text by Fifth User.
[00:00 00.00.0000] Sixth User Message text by Sixth User.
[00:00 00.00.0000] Seventh User Message text by Seventh User.
and many others including multiline ones
[00:00:00 13.01.2001] EighthUser Message text by EighthUser.

Add more lipstick!

  1. highlight row color tr::hover: ...
  2. lighter colors, see styles for info formatter

3. Suggestions

  • add more styles
  • set output time format as argument
  • add other output layouts, e.g. user time \n text