View source for Libraries

the lib folder contains libraries used by the Wacko engine. 

*| # | directory | project | version | status |  |*
|| 1 | bad_behavior | (( Bad Behavior)) | 2.2.25 | patched: various, see repo |  ||
|| 2 | captcha | ((!/Captcha freeCap)) | 1.4.1 | patched: various, see repo |  ||
|| 3 | hashids | (( Hashids)) | 5.0.2 | unpatched |  ||
|| 4 | htmlsax3 | (( HTMLSAX3)) | 3.0.0 | patched: various, see repo |  ||
|| 5 | php-diff | (( php-diff)) | 2.4.0 | patched, see subdir |  ||
|| 6 | phpmailer | (( PHPMailer)) | 6.8.0 | unpatched |  ||
|| 7 | phpthumb | (( PhpThumb)) | 2.3.0 | patched: various, see repo |  ||
|| 8 | safehtml | (( SafeHTML)) | 1.3.12 | patched: various, see repo |  ||
|| 9 | simplepie | (( SimplePie)) | 1.8.0 | unpatched |  ||
|| 10 | svg-sanitizer | (( svg-sanitizer)) | 0.18 | patched: various, see repo |  ||
|| 11 | text-hl | (( Text_Highlighter)) | 0.8.0 | patched: various, see repo  |  ||

  * /((!/BadBehavior bad_behavior))
  * /((!/Captcha captcha))
  * /((!/PHPMailer phpmailer))
  * /((/Dev/Projects/SafeHTML safehtml))
  * /((!/SimplePie simplepie))
  * /((!/Text_Highlighter text-hl))