View source for Infobox
{{toc numerate=1}}
The highligters and wrappers were parsed in the ##wacko_preprocess()## of the WackoFormatter.
* WackoFormatter
* Formats text with wacko-formatting.
* Links and actions aren't processed. Its processed by PostWacko formatter
// . . .
$result = $wacko->_format($code, 'highlight/' . $formatter, $params);
// add wrapper
if (isset($params['wrapper']) && ($params['wrapper'] != 'none'))
$wrapper = 'wrapper_' . $params['wrapper'];
$params['wrapper'] = ''; // no recursion
$result = $wacko->_format(trim($result), 'highlight/' . $wrapper, $params);
1. extend the wrappers ##box## and ##shade##
2. add formatter for ##callout##
3. arguments for formatter and wrapper
4. ##type##
5. ##title##
6. ##icon##
7. ##col##
5. add prefix ##wrapper_## for wrapper arguments
Wrappers were parsed after the highlighter...
1. ##""%%(info type="warning" title="Warning") Formatter info.%%""##
1. ##""%%(wacko wrapper="shade" wrapper_type="warning" wrapper_title="Warning") Formatter wacko with shade wrapper.%%""##
1. nesting
* Nested formatters / wrappers are currently not feasible, that means you cant wrap a page or a section of o page in a wrapper, if it already contains a formatter (see exception below)
* As character markup for text formatters, you can use percent signs ##""%%, %%""## or grave accents ##""``, ``""##. Both characters are equal. Grave accents can be useful if the text already contains percent signs, which may be mistakenly considered markup.
Beyond that this allows you to wrap a formatter in a formatter, e.g. wrapping a CSS highlighter in a details formatter.
1. CSS for print and wordprocessor
2. --Reset ##body_r## after changing CSS class for wrapper to ##.wrapper## and ##.wrapper-content##--
3. --SVG: set only **viewbox**--
* all SVG background images require a change, so we can set the icon size in the CSS file, e.g. ##<span>text</span>## and ##.success span::before{}##.
* added CSS class ##msg##: ##<div class="msg note">##
1. --CSS: define ##min-height## for both containers--
2. use ##type## to assign style only to paragraph ##<p class="type-warning">##
3. Unicode icon versus SVG icon
4. Paragrafica & Formatters: ##<ignore>## terminator versus auto-paragraphs
5. it is too colorful, reduce and simplify color usage
6. make ##icon## optional in container and wrapper title
%%(info type="example" title="Formatter Examples") ((!/Example Test here...))%%
##""%%(info type="warning" title="Warning") Formatter info.%%""##
%%(info type="warning" title="Warning") Formatter info.%%
[type="default | error | example | important | note | question | quote | success | warning"]
[style="no use"]
$types = ['default', 'error', 'example', 'important', 'note', 'question', 'quote', 'success', 'warning'];
// defaults
$options['type'] ??= 'default';
$options['title'] ??= '';
$options['icon'] ??= 1;
$options['style'] ??= false;
$options['tpl'] = true;
if (in_array($options['type'], $types))
// info type-* in wacko.css
$tpl->type = ' type-' . $options['type'];
if ($options['icon'])
$tpl->icon = true;
$tpl->eicon = true;
$tpl->style = 'info';
$tpl->t_title = $options['title'] ?? null;
$tpl->include = include Ut::join_path(FORMATTER_DIR, 'wiki.php');
[ === main === ]
<div class="[ ' style ' ][ ' type ' ]">
[= icon _ =
[ ' nonstatic ' ]
<div class="info-content">
[= t _ =
<p class="info-title">[ ' title | e ' ]</p>
[ ' include // <-- no indention for embeded pre ' ]
[= eicon _ =
[ ' nonstatic ' ]
====Pre-configured formatter====
// set wrapper options
$options['wrapper'] = 'box';
$options['wrapper_align'] = $options['align'];
$options['wrapper_width'] = $options['width'];
// add / include highlighter / formatter ...
echo Ut::html($text);
===Color scheme===
<table class="wikitable">
<td style="background:rgb(147, 154, 69,.1); font-family:monospace;">rgb(147, 154, 69,.1)</td>
<td style="background:#939A45; color:#ffffff; font-family:monospace;"> </td>
<td style="background:#939A45; color:#ffffff; font-family:monospace;">#939A45</td>
<td style="background:rgba(255,23,68,.1); font-family:monospace;">rgba(255,23,68,.1)</td>
<td> </td>
<td style="background:#ff1744; font-family:monospace;">#ff1744</td>
<td style="background:rgba(68,138,255,.1); font-family:monospace;">rgba(68,138,255,.1)</td>
<td style="background:#448aff; color:#ffffff; font-family:monospace;"> </td>
<td style="background:#448aff; color:#ffffff; font-family:monospace;">#448aff</td>
<td style="background:rgba(255,145,0,.1); font-family:monospace;">rgba(255,145,0,.1)</td>
<td> </td>
<td style="background:#ff9100; color:#ffffff; font-family:monospace;">#ff9100</td>
<td style="background:rgba(0,200,83,.1); font-family:monospace;">rgba(0,200,83,.1)</td>
<td> </td>
<td style="background:#00c853; color:#ffffff; font-family:monospace;">#00c853</td>
<td style="background:rgba(100,221,23,.1); font-family:monospace;">rgba(100,221,23,.1)</td>
<td> </td>
<td style="background:#64dd17; color:#ffffff; font-family:monospace;">#64dd17</td>
<td style="background:rgba(255,82,82,.1); font-family:monospace;">rgba(255,82,82,.1)</td>
<td> </td>
<td style="background:#ff5252; color:#ffffff; font-family:monospace;">#ff5252</td>
<td style="background:rgba(101,31,255,.1); font-family:monospace;">rgba(101,31,255,.1)</td>
<td> </td>
<td style="background:#651fff; color:#ffffff; font-family:monospace;">#651fff</td>
<td style="background:hsla(0,0%,62%,.1); font-family:monospace;">hsla(0,0%,62%,.1)</td>
<td> </td>
<td style="background:#9e9e9e; color:#ffffff; font-family:monospace;">#9e9e9e</td>
<td style="background:rgba(224, 203, 82,.1); font-family:monospace;">rgba(224, 203, 82,.1)</td>
<td> </td>
<td style="background:#e0cb52; font-family:monospace;">#e0cb52</td>
(( Color picker tool))
1. **note**, tip, hint, nota bene *
1. abstract, summary
1. **error**, failure, fail
1. **important**, attention
1. **success**
1. **question**, help, faq
1. **warning**, caution, attention, danger
1. issue, bug
1. **example**, snippet
1. **quote**, cite
* ##info## is used as a meta term for the formatter.
* info
<div class="info type-note">
<div class="info-content">
<p class="info-title">Info</p>
* <div>
* <aside>
* <p>
##<ignore>## is terminator tag for ((/Dev/Projects/Typografica Paragrafica)), gets parsed away in the process
%%(hl css)
/* background-size: 16px 16px;*/
/* ! required for span width -> inline element */
display: inline-block;
height: 16px;
width: 0;
vertical-align: text-bottom; /* middle */
a.external-link .icon {
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) url('./../icon/web.svg') no-repeat scroll left center;
padding-left: 17px;
%%(hl css)
span.icon {
position: relative;
padding: 0 1rem 0 0;
vertical-align: middle; /* text-bottom */
position: absolute;
height: 1rem;
width: 1rem;
a.external-link .icon::before {
content: url('./../icon/web.svg') " ";
*| # | type | hl | class | icon | svg | syntax |*
|| 1 | default | | | β | (( width=16)) | ||
|| 2 | error | | | β | (( width=16)) | ||
|| 3 | example | | | π‘ | (( width=16)) | ||
|| 4 | | | | | | ||
|| 5 | important | | | β | (( width=16)) | ||
|| 6 | note | | | β | (( width=16)) | ||
|| 7 | question | | | ? | | ||
|| 8 | quote | | | β | (( width=16)) | ||
|| 9 | success | | | β | (( width=16)) | ||
|| 10 | warning | | | β | (( width=16)) | ||
|| custom ||
|| | | | | | | ||
%%(hl css).callout.type-fail > .callout-title::before {
color: #ff5252;
content: "β"
} %%
πβ βοΈβββ π«ββπππ―π©
πβ βββ
βππ₯πβοΈπ§π¦β οΈ
ββΒΆ π·π§ π§ β‘β³
π΄π’π΅π£β«οΈπ π‘π€βͺ
* (( Full Emoji List))
* (( ::before))
%%(hl css).callout.type-fail > .callout-title::before {
content: url('./../icon/report-bug.svg') " ";
height: 1rem;
width: 1rem;
} %%
%%(hl css)
/* Callouts: SYNTAX % %(callout type="warning" title="Warning")text% % */
/* 1. default */
.wrapper {
/* box-shadow: 0 2px 2px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.14),0 1px 5px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.12),0 3px 1px -2px rgba(0,0,0,.2); */
position: relative;
margin: 1em 0;
padding: .4rem .6rem;
border: .05rem solid rgb(147, 154, 69,.1);
border-left: .2rem solid #939a45;
border-radius: .1rem;
min-height: 5em;
overflow: auto;
.wrapper-title {
margin: -.4rem -.6rem .4rem -.6rem;
padding: .4rem .6rem .4rem 2rem;
/* border-bottom: .05rem solid rgba(68,138,255,.1);
background-color: rgba(68,138,255,.1); */
font-weight: 700;
.wrapper-title {
border-bottom: .05rem solid rgb(147, 154, 69,.1);
background-color: rgb(147, 154, 69,.1);
.wrapper > .wrapper-title::before {
position: absolute;
left: .6rem;
color: #939a45;
font-size: 1rem;
content: "i";
height: 1rem;
width: 1rem;
font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
/* 2. note */
.info.type-note {
border-color: rgba(68,138,255,.1);
border-left-color: #448aff;
.wrapper.type-note > .wrapper-title {
background-color: rgba(68,138,255,.1);
.wrapper.type-note > .wrapper-title {
border-bottom-color: rgba(68,138,255,.1);
.info.type-note > .info-content::before,
.wrapper.type-note > .wrapper-title::before {
color: #448aff;
content: "β";
/* 3. warning */
.info.type-warning {
border-color: rgba(255,145,0,.1);
border-left-color: #ff9100;
.wrapper.type-warning > .wrapper-title {
background-color: rgba(255,145,0,.1);
.wrapper.type-warning > .wrapper-title {
border-bottom-color: rgba(255,145,0,.1);
.info.type-warning > .info-content::before,
.wrapper.type-warning > .wrapper-title::before {
color: #ff9100;
content: "β ";
/* content: url('./../icon/warning.svg') " "; */
/* 4. success */
.info.type-success {
border-color: rgba(100,221,23,.1);
border-left-color: #64dd17;
.wrapper.type-success > .wrapper-title {
background-color: rgba(100,221,23,.1);
.wrapper.type-success > .wrapper-title {
border-bottom-color: rgba(100,221,23,.1);
.info.type-success > .info-content::before,
.wrapper.type-success > .wrapper-title::before {
color: #64dd17;
content: "β";
/* 5. question */
.info.type-question {
border-color: rgba(224, 203, 82,.1);
border-left-color: #e0cb52;
.wrapper.type-question > .wrapper-title {
background-color: rgba(224, 203, 82,.1);
.wrapper.type-question > .wrapper-title {
border-bottom-color: rgba(224, 203, 82,.1);
.info.type-question > .info-content::before,
.wrapper.type-question > .wrapper-title::before {
color: #e0cb52;
content: "?";
/* 6. error */
.info.type-error {
border-color: rgba(255,82,82,.1);
border-left-color: #ff5252;
.wrapper.type-error > .wrapper-title {
background-color: rgba(255,82,82,.1);
.wrapper.type-error > .wrapper-title {
border-bottom-color: rgba(255,82,82,.1);
.info.type-error > .info-content::before,
.wrapper.type-error > .wrapper-title::before {
color: #ff5252;
content: "β";
/* content: url('./../icon/cross.svg') " ";
height: 1rem;
width: 1rem; */
/* 7. example */
.info.type-example {
border-left-color: #651fff;
.wrapper.type-example > .wrapper-title {
background-color: rgba(101,31,255,.1);
.wrapper.type-example > .wrapper-title {
border-bottom-color: rgba(101,31,255,.1);
.info.type-example > .info-content::before,
.wrapper.type-example > .wrapper-title::before {
color: #651fff;
content: "π‘";
/* 8. quote */
.info.type-quote {
border-left-color: #9e9e9e;
.wrapper.type-quote > .wrapper-title {
background-color: hsla(0,0%,62%,.1);
.wrapper.type-quote > .wrapper-title {
border-bottom-color: hsla(0,0%,62%,.1);
.info.type-quote > .info-content::before,
.wrapper.type-quote > .wrapper-title::before {
color: #9e9e9e;
content: "β";
/* 9. important */
.info.type-important {
border-color: rgba(255,23,68,.1);
border-left-color: #ff1744;
.wrapper.type-important > .wrapper-title {
background-color: rgba(255,23,68,.1);
.wrapper.type-important > .wrapper-title {
border-bottom-color: rgba(255,23,68,.1);
.info.type-important > .info-content::before,
.wrapper.type-important > .wrapper-title::before {
color: #ff1744;
content: "!";
/* Info container */
.info-title {
margin: -.4rem -.6rem .4rem -.6rem;
padding: .4rem .6rem .4rem .6rem;
font-weight: 700;
.info-content {
margin: 0;
padding: .4rem .6rem .4rem 4.4rem;
/* font-weight: 700; */
.info > .info-content::before {
position: absolute;
left: 1rem;
top: .4rem;
color: #939a45;
/* font-weight: bold; */
font-size: 3rem;
content: "i";
height: 3rem;
width: 3rem;
text-align: center;
line-height: normal;
font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
/* opacity: 0.4; */
$sanitize = function($value, $filter)
switch ($filter)
case 'color':
if (preg_match('/^(
(\#([0-9a-fA-F]{3}|[0-9a-fA-F]{6}))| # color value
(rgb\(([0-9]{1,3}%?,){2}[0-9]{1,3}%?\)) # rgb triplet
)$/x', $value))
return $value;
case 'width':
if (preg_match('/^\d*\.?\d+(%|px|em|ex|pt|cm|mm|pi|in)$/', $value))
return $value;
case 'class':
if (preg_match('/[^A-Za-z0-9_-]/', $value))
return $value;
*| | box | shade | page | text |*
|| type | + | + | β | - ||
|| title | + | + | β | - ||
|| ||
|| alignment | + | β[[*1]] | β[[*2]] | + ||
|| clear | + | + | β | β ||
|| ||
|| width | + | β[[*1]] | + | β[[*3]] ||
|| column | β | + | β | + ||
|| ||
|| frame | + | + | β | β ||
|| automatic line feed | + | + | + | β ||
[[#1]] This option does not make sense, because the width of the block is always equal to the width of the page.
[[#2]] Only to the left.
[[#3]] If you don't put the line feeds yourself, the block width is fixed by the engine at approximately 90% of the page width.
What exactly is the purpose of the page wrapper in comparison to the text wrapper?
* visualize
[wrapper_align="left | center | right"]
[wrapper_type="default | error | example | important | note | question | quote | success | warning"]
$align_class = '';
$type_class = '';
$types = ['default', 'error', 'example', 'important', 'note', 'question', 'quote', 'success', 'warning'];
// defaults
$options['wrapper_type'] ??= 'default';
$options['wrapper_title'] ??= null;
$options['wrapper_align'] ??= 'right';
$options['wrapper_width'] ??= 250;
$options['clear'] ??= false;
$options['col'] ??= false;
if (in_array($options['wrapper_align'], ['center', 'left', 'right']))
// wrapper-* align in wacko.css
$align_class = ' wrapper-' . $options['wrapper_align'];
if (in_array($options['wrapper_type'], $types))
// wrapper type-* in wacko.css
$type_class = ' type-' . $options['wrapper_type'];
$col_class = $options['col'] ? ' wrapper-col' . (int) $options['col'] : '';
// output wrapper
$tpl->type = $type_class;
$tpl->align = $align_class;
$tpl->col = $col_class;
$tpl->width = (int) $options['wrapper_width'];
$tpl->t_title = $options['wrapper_title'] ?? null;
$tpl->text = $text;
if ($options['clear'])
$tpl->clear = true;
[ === main === ]
<aside class="wrapper[ ' type ' ][ ' align ' ][ ' col ' ]" style="width: [ ' width ' ]px;">
[= t _ =
<p class="wrapper-title">[ ' title | e ' ]</p>
<div class="wrapper-content">
[ ' text // <-- no indention for embeded pre ']
[= clear _ =
[ ' nonstatic ' ]
<span class="clearfix"></span>
[wrapper_type="default | error | example | important | note | question | quote | success | warning"]
$type_class = '';
$types = ['default', 'error', 'example', 'important', 'note', 'question', 'quote', 'success', 'warning'];
// defaults
$options['wrapper_type'] ??= 'default';
$options['wrapper_title'] ??= null;
$options['col'] ??= false;
if (in_array($options['wrapper_type'], $types))
// wrapper type-* in wacko.css
$type_class = ' type-' . $options['wrapper_type'];
$col_class = $options['col'] ? ' wrapper-col' . (int) $options['col'] : '';
// output wrapper
$tpl->type = $type_class;
$tpl->col = $col_class;
$tpl->t_title = $options['wrapper_title'] ?? null;
$tpl->text = $text;
[ === main === ]
<div class="wrapper[ ' type ' ]">
[= t _ =
<p class="wrapper-title">[ ' title | e ' ]</p>
<div class="wrapper-content[ ' col ' ]">
[ ' text // <-- no indention for embeded pre ']
// defaults
$options['wrapper_width'] ??= '800';
// output wrapper
$tpl->width = (int) $options['wrapper_width'];
$tpl->text = $text;
[ === main === ]
<div style="width: [ ' width ' ]px;">
[ ' text // <-- no indention for embeded pre ']
[wrapper_align="left | center | right | justify"]
$align_class = '';
// defaults
$options['wrapper_align'] ??= 'left';
$options['clear'] ??= false;
$options['col'] ??= false;
if (in_array($options['wrapper_align'], ['center', 'justify', 'left', 'right']))
if ($options['wrapper_align'] != 'justify')
// wrapper-* align in wacko.css
$align_class = 'wrapper-' . $options['wrapper_align'];
$text_align = ' style="text-align: ' . $options['wrapper_align'] . ';"';
$col_class = $options['col'] ? ' wrapper-col' . (int) $options['col'] : '';
// output wrapper
$tpl->align = $align_class;
$tpl->txtalign = $text_align;
$tpl->col = $col_class;
$tpl->text = $text;
if ($options['clear'])
$tpl->clear = true;
[ === main === ]
<div class="[ ' align ' ][ ' col ' ]"[ ' txtalign ' ]>
[ ' text // <-- no indention for embeded pre ']
[= clear _ =
[ ' nonstatic ' ]
<span class="clearfix"></span>
1. ((/Forum/Component/Callouts Forum: Callouts))