Formatter: GeSHi Code Highlighting
Compatible with: R6.1 Current version: 0.4 Credits: |
Repo: community/formatter/highlight/geshi.php
GeSHi Documentation
1. Usage
Call via (geshi [formatter])
%%(geshi php numbers=1 start=35 lines=37) source%%
2. Install
- place the GeSHi lib under the lib/geshi/ folder
- add geshi.php highlighter to the formatter/highlight/ folder
- generate a external stylesheet (optional)
<?php // WackoWiki Wrapper for GeSHi - Generic Syntax Highlighter // // GeSHi uses constants outside its class, so autoload will default with: // PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant "GESHI_NO_LINE_NUMBERS" require_once 'lib/geshi/geshi.php'; // -> autoload.conf if ($options['_default']) { $language = $options['_default']; $lines = []; $numbers = GESHI_NO_LINE_NUMBERS; $start = (int) ($options['start'] ?? 1); $header = GESHI_HEADER_PRE_VALID; $geshi = new GeSHi($text, $language); if (!empty($options['lines'])) { $lines = array_map('intval', explode(',', $options['lines'])); $lines = array_unique($lines); } if (!empty($options['numbers'])) { $numbers = $options['numbers'] ? GESHI_NORMAL_LINE_NUMBERS : GESHI_NO_LINE_NUMBERS; $header = match ((int) $options['numbers']) { 1 => GESHI_HEADER_PRE_VALID, 2 => GESHI_HEADER_PRE_TABLE, default => false, }; } $geshi->enable_classes(); // use classes for highlighting (must be first after creating object) $geshi->set_overall_class('code'); // enables using a single stylesheet for multiple code fragments $geshi->set_tab_width(4); // default: 8 $geshi->set_header_type($header); // GESHI_HEADER_DIV, GESHI_HEADER_PRE_VALID, GESHI_HEADER_PRE_TABLE, GESHI_HEADER_NONE $geshi->enable_line_numbers((bool) $numbers); // GESHI_NORMAL_LINE_NUMBERS, GESHI_FANCY_LINE_NUMBERS, 2 GESHI_NO_LINE_NUMBERS $geshi->start_line_numbers_at((int) abs($start)); $geshi->highlight_lines_extra($lines); // get the stylesheet if (!file_exists(Ut::join_path(THEME_DIR, '_common/geshi.css'))) { $tpl->css_styles = $geshi->get_stylesheet(false); } else { $this->geshi = true; } $tpl->text = $geshi->parse_code(); } else { $tpl->text = Ut::html($text); }
[ === main === ] <ignore> <!--notypo--> [= css _ = <style> [ ' styles ' ] </style> =] [ ' text | pre ' ] <!--/notypo--> </ignore>
2.1. External stylesheet
GeSHi comes with a contrib/
directory, which in it contains a “wizard” script for creating a stylesheet. The script has been ported as a action to WackoWiki, see section below.
With up to 160 languages which one hardly will ever use, it is a good idea to generate a stylesheet with the languages you use. If you select all languages, the size of the stylesheet reaches almost 300 KiB.
There is no mixed usage of inline CSS and external stylesheet, its either one or the other. So if you select a subset, then no inline CSS is available for the other languages, consider that.
geshi.css (incomplete)
/* GeSHi - syntax highlighting code */
.code .de1, .code .de2 {font: normal normal 1em/1.2em monospace; margin:0; padding:0; background:none; vertical-align\top;}
.code {font-family:monospace;}
.code .imp {font-weight: bold; color: red;}
.code li, .code .li1 {font-weight: normal; vertical-align\top;}
.code .ln width:1px;text-align\right;margin:0;padding:0 2px;vertical-align\top;}
.code .li2 {font-weight: bold; vertical-align\top;}
.code .kw2 {color: #000000; font-weight: bold;}
.code .kw3 {color: #000066;}
.code .es0 {color: #000099; font-weight: bold;}
.code .br0 {color: #66cc66;}
.code .sy0 {color: #66cc66;}
.code .st0 {color: #ff0000;}
.code .nu0 {color: #cc66cc;}
.code .sc-2 {color: #404040;}
.code .sc-1 {color: #808080; font-style: italic;}
.code .sc0 {color: #00bbdd;}
.code .sc1 {color: #ddbb00;}
.code .sc2 {color: #009900;}
.code .ln-xtra, .code li.ln-xtra, .code div.ln-xtra {background-color: #ffc;}
.code span.xtra { display:block; }
<?php // add to theme/_common/_header.php (above $tpl->additions) // GeSHi styles $this->add_html('header', '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . Ut::join_path(THEME_DIR, '_common/geshi.css') . '">');
2.1.1. Generate custom CSS files
Script to generate custom GeSHi CSS files, only available for members of the Admin group.
<?php if (!defined('IN_WACKO')) { exit; } /* generate custom CSS files for GeSHi {{geshicss custom=0}} */ if ($this->is_admin()) { // set defaults $checked ??= null; $custom ??= false; $wiki_text ??= true; $checked = (bool) ($_GET['all'] ?? false); $none = (bool) ($_GET['none'] ?? false); require_once 'lib/geshi/geshi.php'; $geshi = new GeSHi(); $languages = $geshi->get_supported_languages(); sort($languages); // [a] create stylesheet if (isset($_POST['langs']) && is_array($_POST['langs'])) { foreach ($_POST['langs'] as $lang => $dummy) { if (in_array($lang, $languages)) { $_languages[] = $lang; } } $tpl->enter('post_'); foreach ($_languages as $i => $language) { $geshi->set_language($language); $css = $geshi->get_stylesheet(false); // remove comments $styles .= preg_replace('/^\/\*\*.*?\*\//s', '', $css); if ($wiki_text) { $tpl->enter('syntax_'); $geshi->set_language($language); $tpl->n_n_num = $i +1; $tpl->n_n_name = $geshi->get_language_name(); $tpl->n_n_lang = $language; $tpl->leave(); // syntax_ $tpl->commit = true; } } $tpl->stylesheet = $styles; $tpl->size = $this->binary_multiples(strlen($styles), false, true, true); $tpl->reset = true; $tpl->leave(); // post_ } // [b] select languages else { $tpl->enter('form_'); $tpl->n_select = $this->href('', '', ['all' => 1]); $tpl->n_none = $this->href('', '', ['none' => 1]); // set a preselection $pre_selected = [ 'css', 'diff', 'email', 'html5', 'ini', 'javascript', 'latex', 'php', 'python', 'sql', 'xml' ]; foreach ($languages as $language) { $tpl->lang_lang = $language; if ($checked || (!$none && in_array($language, $pre_selected))) { $tpl->lang_checked = ' checked'; } } if ($custom) { $new_lang = [ 'overall' => ['Style for the overall code block:', 'border: 1px dotted #a0a0a0; font-family: "Courier New", Courier, monospace; background-color: #f0f0f0; color: #0000bb;'], 'default-styles' => ['Default Styles', 'font-weight:normal;background:transparent;color:#000; padding-left: 5px;'], 'keywords-1' => ['Keywords I (if, do, while etc)', 'color: #a1a100;'], 'keywords-2' => ['Keywords II (null, true, false etc)', 'color: #000; font-weight: bold;'], 'keywords-3' => ['Inbuilt Functions (echo, print etc)', 'color: #000066;'], 'keywords-4' => ['Data Types (int, boolean etc)', 'color: #f63333;'], 'comments' => ['Comments (//, <!-- --> etc)', 'color: #808080;'], 'escaped-chars' => ['Escaped Characters (\n, \t etc)', 'color: #000033; font-weight: bold;'], 'brackets' => ['Brackets ( ([{}]) etc)', 'color: #66cc66;'], 'strings' => ['Strings ("foo" etc)', 'color: #ff0000;'], 'numbers' => ['Numbers (1, -54, 2.5 etc)', 'color: #ff33ff;'], 'methods' => ['Methods ( etc)', 'color: #006600;'], ]; $tpl->enter('custom_'); foreach ($new_lang as $type => $style) { $tpl->style_type = $type; $tpl->style_text = $style[0]; $tpl->style_style = $style[1]; } $tpl->leave(); // custom_ } $tpl->leave(); // form_ } }
[ === main === ] [= post _ = <div class="info type-success"> <div class="info-content"> <p class="info-title">Here is your completed stylesheet.</p> Note that it may not be perfect - no regular expression styles are included for one thing, you'll have to add those yourself (php and xml are just two languages that use them), and line numbers are not included, however it includes most of the basic information. </div> </div> [ '' reset ResetButton '' ]<br><br> <strong>theme/_common/geshi.css</strong> ([ ' size ' ]) <pre class="code"> [ ' stylesheet | pre' ] </pre> [= syntax _ = <strong>syntax wiki table</strong> <pre class="code"> [ '' n table '' ] </pre> =] [ '' reset ResetButton '' ] =] [= form _ = <form action="[ ' href: ' ]" method="post" name="geshi_css"> [ ' csrf: geshi_css ' ] What languages are you wanting to make this stylesheet for?<br><br> [ '' CreateButton '' ]<br><br> [ '' n selection '' ]<br> <div class="wrapper-col5"> [= lang _ = <input type="checkbox" name="langs[[ ' lang ' ]]" id="lang_[ ' lang ' ]"[ ' checked ' ]> <label for="lang_[ ' lang ' ]">[ ' lang ' ]</label><br> =] </div> <br> [ '' n selection '' ] <br> [= custom _ = If you'd like any other languages not detected here to be supported, please enter them here, one per line:<br> <textarea rows="4" cols="20" name="extra-langs"></textarea><br> <br> Styles: <table> [= style _ = <tr> <th>[ ' text ' ]</th> <td><input type="text" name="[ ' type ' ]" value="[ ' style ' ]"></td> </tr> =] </table> =] [ '' CreateButton '' ] </form> =] [ == selection == ] Select: <a href="[ ' select ' ]">All</a>, <a href="[ ' none ' ]">None</a>, <a href="[ ' href: ' ]">[ ' _t: ResetButton ' ]</a><br> [ == CreateButton == ] <button type="submit" class="btn-ok">Create CSS</button> [ == ResetButton == ] <a href="[ ' href: ' ]" class="btn-link"><button type="button" class="btn-cancel">[ ' _t: ResetButton ' ]</button></a> [ == table == ] #| *| # | Formatter | Language |* [= n _ = || [ ' num ' ] | ##[ ' lang ' ]## | [ ' name ' ] || [ ' commit | void' ] =] |#
3. Supported Formats
# | Formatter | Language |
1 | 4cs | GADV 4CS |
2 | 6502acme | MOS 6502 (6510) ACME Cross Assembler format |
3 | 6502kickass | MOS 6502 (6510) Kick Assembler format |
4 | 6502tasm | MOS 6502 (6510) TASM/64TASS 1.46 Assembler format |
5 | 68000devpac | Motorola 68000 - HiSoft Devpac ST 2 Assembler format |
6 | abap | ABAP |
7 | actionscript | ActionScript |
8 | actionscript3 | ActionScript 3 |
9 | ada | Ada |
10 | aimms | AIMMS3 |
11 | algol68 | ALGOL 68 |
12 | apache | Apache configuration |
13 | applescript | AppleScript |
14 | apt_sources | Apt sources |
15 | arm | ARM ASSEMBLER |
16 | asm | ASM |
17 | asp | ASP |
18 | asymptote | asymptote |
19 | autoconf | Autoconf |
20 | autohotkey | Autohotkey |
21 | autoit | AutoIt |
22 | avisynth | AviSynth |
23 | awk | awk |
24 | bascomavr | BASCOM AVR |
25 | bash | Bash |
26 | basic4gl | Basic4GL |
27 | batch | Windows Batch file |
28 | bf | Brainfuck |
29 | biblatex | BibTeX |
30 | bibtex | BibTeX |
31 | blitzbasic | BlitzBasic |
32 | bnf | bnf |
33 | boo | Boo |
34 | c | C |
35 | c_loadrunner | C (LoadRunner) |
36 | c_mac | C (Mac) |
37 | c_winapi | C (WinAPI) |
38 | caddcl | CAD DCL |
39 | cadlisp | CAD Lisp |
40 | ceylon | Ceylon |
41 | cfdg | CFDG |
42 | cfm | ColdFusion |
43 | chaiscript | ChaiScript |
44 | chapel | Chapel |
45 | cil | CIL |
46 | clojure | Clojure |
47 | cmake | CMake |
48 | cobol | COBOL |
49 | coffeescript | CoffeeScript |
50 | cpp | C++ |
51 | cpp-qt | C++ (Qt) |
52 | cpp-winapi | C++ (WinAPI) |
53 | csharp | C# |
54 | css | CSS |
55 | cuesheet | Cuesheet |
56 | d | D |
57 | dart | Dart |
58 | dcl | DCL |
59 | dcpu16 | DCPU-16 Assembly |
60 | dcs | DCS |
61 | delphi | Delphi |
62 | diff | Diff |
63 | div | DIV |
64 | dos | DOS |
65 | dot | dot |
66 | e | E |
67 | ecmascript | ECMAScript |
68 | eiffel | Eiffel |
69 | email | eMail (mbox) |
70 | epc | EPC |
71 | erlang | Erlang |
72 | euphoria | Euphoria |
73 | ezt | EZT |
74 | f1 | Formula One |
75 | falcon | Falcon |
76 | fo | FO (abas-ERP) |
77 | fortran | Fortran |
78 | freebasic | FreeBasic |
79 | freeswitch | FreeSWITCH |
80 | fsharp | F# |
81 | gambas | GAMBAS |
82 | gdb | GDB |
83 | genero | genero |
84 | genie | Genie |
85 | gettext | GNU Gettext |
86 | glsl | glSlang |
87 | gml | GML |
88 | gnuplot | Gnuplot |
89 | go | Go |
90 | groovy | Groovy |
91 | gwbasic | GwBasic |
92 | haskell | Haskell |
93 | haxe | Haxe |
94 | hicest | HicEst |
95 | hq9plus | HQ9+ |
96 | html4strict | HTML |
97 | html5 | HTML5 |
98 | icon | Icon |
99 | idl | Uno Idl |
100 | ini | INI |
101 | inno | Inno |
102 | intercal | INTERCAL |
103 | io | Io |
104 | ispfpanel | ISPF Panel |
105 | j | J |
106 | java | Java |
107 | java5 | Java(TM) 2 Platform Standard Edition 5.0 |
108 | javascript | Javascript |
109 | jcl | JCL |
110 | jquery | jQuery |
111 | julia | Julia |
112 | kixtart | KiXtart |
113 | klonec | KLone C |
114 | klonecpp | KLone C++ |
115 | kotlin | Kotlin |
116 | latex | LaTeX |
117 | lb | Liberty BASIC |
118 | ldif | LDIF |
119 | lisp | Lisp |
120 | llvm | LLVM Intermediate Representation |
121 | locobasic | Locomotive Basic |
122 | logtalk | Logtalk |
123 | lolcode | LOLcode |
124 | lotusformulas | Lotus Notes @Formulas |
125 | lotusscript | LotusScript |
126 | lscript | LScript |
127 | lsl2 | LSL2 |
128 | lua | Lua |
129 | m68k | Motorola 68000 Assembler |
130 | magiksf | MagikSF |
131 | make | GNU make |
132 | mapbasic | MapBasic |
133 | mathematica | Mathematica |
134 | matlab | Matlab M |
135 | mercury | Mercury |
136 | metapost | MetaPost |
137 | mirc | mIRC Scripting |
138 | mk-61 | МК-61/52 |
139 | mmix | MMIX |
140 | modula2 | Modula-2 |
141 | modula3 | Modula-3 |
142 | mpasm | Microchip Assembler |
143 | mxml | MXML |
144 | mysql | MySQL |
145 | nagios | Nagios |
146 | netrexx | NetRexx |
147 | newlisp | newlisp |
148 | nginx | nginx |
149 | nimrod | Nimrod |
150 | nsis | NSIS |
151 | oberon2 | Oberon-2 |
152 | objc | Objective-C |
153 | objeck | Objeck Programming Language |
154 | ocaml | OCaml |
155 | ocaml-brief | OCaml (brief) |
156 | octave | GNU/Octave |
157 | oobas | Basic |
158 | oorexx | ooRexx |
159 | oracle11 | Oracle 11 SQL |
160 | oracle8 | Oracle 8 SQL |
161 | oxygene | Oxygene |
162 | oz | OZ |
163 | parasail | ParaSail |
164 | parigp | PARI/GP |
165 | pascal | Pascal |
166 | pcre | PCRE |
167 | per | per |
168 | perl | Perl |
169 | perl6 | Perl 6 |
170 | pf | OpenBSD Packet Filter |
171 | phix | Phix |
172 | php | PHP |
173 | php-brief | PHP (brief) |
174 | pic16 | PIC16 |
175 | pike | Pike |
176 | pixelbender | Pixel Bender 1.0 |
177 | pli | PL/I |
178 | plsql | PL/SQL |
179 | postgresql | PostgreSQL |
180 | postscript | PostScript |
181 | povray | POVRAY |
182 | powerbuilder | PowerBuilder |
183 | powershell | PowerShell |
184 | proftpd | ProFTPd configuration |
185 | progress | Progress |
186 | prolog | Prolog |
187 | properties | PROPERTIES |
188 | providex | ProvideX |
189 | purebasic | PureBasic |
190 | pycon | Python (console mode) |
191 | pys60 | Python for S60 |
192 | python | Python |
193 | q | q/kdb+ |
194 | qbasic | QBasic/QuickBASIC |
195 | qml | QML |
196 | racket | Racket |
197 | rails | Rails |
198 | rbs | RBScript |
199 | rebol | REBOL |
200 | reg | Microsoft Registry |
201 | rexx | rexx |
202 | robots | robots.txt |
203 | roff | roff |
204 | rpmspec | RPM Specification File |
205 | rsplus | R / S+ |
206 | ruby | Ruby |
207 | rust | Rust |
208 | sas | SAS |
209 | sass | Sass |
210 | scala | Scala |
211 | scheme | Scheme |
212 | scilab | SciLab |
213 | scl | SCL |
214 | sdlbasic | sdlBasic |
215 | smalltalk | Smalltalk |
216 | smarty | Smarty |
217 | spark | SPARK |
218 | sparql | SPARQL |
219 | sql | SQL |
220 | sshconfig | sshconfig |
221 | standardml | StandardML |
222 | stonescript | StoneScript |
223 | swift | Swift |
224 | systemverilog | SystemVerilog |
225 | tcl | TCL |
226 | tclegg | TCLEGG |
227 | teraterm | Tera Term Macro |
228 | texgraph | TeXgraph |
229 | text | Text |
230 | thinbasic | thinBasic |
231 | tsql | T-SQL |
232 | twig | Twig |
233 | typoscript | TypoScript |
234 | unicon | Unicon (Unified Extended Dialect of Icon) |
235 | upc | UPC |
236 | urbi | Urbi |
237 | uscript | Unreal Script |
238 | vala | Vala |
239 | vb | Visual Basic |
240 | vbnet | |
241 | vbscript | VBScript |
242 | vedit | Vedit macro language |
243 | verilog | Verilog |
244 | vhdl | VHDL |
245 | vim | Vim Script |
246 | visualfoxpro | Visual Fox Pro |
247 | visualprolog | Visual Prolog |
248 | whitespace | Whitespace |
249 | whois | Whois (RPSL format) |
250 | winbatch | Winbatch |
251 | wolfram | Wolfram |
252 | xbasic | XBasic |
253 | xml | XML |
254 | xojo | Xojo |
255 | xorg_conf | Xorg configuration |
256 | xpp | X++ |
257 | yaml | YAML |
258 | z80 | ZiLOG Z80 Assembler |
259 | zxbasic | ZXBasic |
4. Changelog
0.1 Initial version
0.2 Updated to work with R.6.0
0.3 Updated to work with R.6.1, PHP 8 (Match expression)
0.4 Added template and action to create custom CSS files