Action: imageslider

Compatible with: R6.1
Current version: 0.9
Credits: WikiAdmin

Repo: action/imageslider.php

CSS image slider




if (!defined('IN_WACKO'))

    images as slider

    The sole condition is that all the images must be exactly the same size.

    version: 0.9

$info = <<<EOD
    Showing images as slider for uploaded files.


    [page="PageName" or global=1]

// set defaults
$global        ??= 0;
$help        ??= 0;
$max        ??= null;
$media        ??= 1;
$order        ??= '';
$owner        ??= '';
$page        ??= '';
$track        ??= 0;

if ($help)
    $tpl->help    = $this->help($info, 'imageslider');

if ($max)
    $limit = $max;
    $limit    = 50;

$order_by        = match($order) {
    'ext'            => 'file_ext ASC',
    'name_desc'        => 'file_name DESC',
    'size'            => 'file_size ASC',
    'size_desc'        => 'file_size DESC',
    'time'            => 'created ASC',
    'time_desc'        => 'created DESC',
    default            => 'file_name ASC',

$width_settings            = '100%'; // 100%, 300px, etc.
$files                    = [];
$page_id                = null;

// default options for slider
$time_on_slide            = 6;
$time_between_slides    = 1;
$animation_timing        = 'ease';
$slidy_direction        = 'left';
$css_animation_name        = 'slidy';

// options: data-caption, alt, none
$caption_source            = 'data-caption';
$caption_background        = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.3)';
$caption_color            = '#fff';
$caption_font            = 'Avenir, Avenir Next, Droid Sans, DroidSansRegular, Corbel, Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif';

// options: top, bottom
$caption_position        = 'bottom';

// options: slide, perm, fade
$caption_appear            = 'slide';
$caption_size            = '1.6rem';

// same units
$caption_padding        = '.6rem';

if (!$global)
    if ($page == '')
        $tag        = $this->tag;
        $page_id    = $this->page['page_id'];
        $tag        = $this->unwrap_link($page);

        if ($_page_id = $this->get_page_id($tag))
            $page_id    = $_page_id;

    $can_view    = $this->has_access('read', $page_id) || $this->is_admin() || $this->is_owner($page_id);
    $can_view    = true;
    $tag        = $this->tag;

if ($can_view)
    if ($global || ($tag == $this->tag))
        $filepage = $this->page;
        $filepage = $this->load_page($tag, 0, null, LOAD_CACHE, LOAD_META);

    if (!$global && !isset($filepage['page_id']))

    $selector =
        "FROM " . $this->prefix . "file f " .
            "INNER JOIN " . $this->prefix . "user u ON (f.user_id = u.user_id) " .
        "WHERE f.page_id = " . ($global ? 0 : (int) $filepage['page_id']) . " " .
            "AND f.picture_w <> 0 " .
                ? "AND u.user_name = " . $this->db->q($owner) . " "
                : '') .
            "AND f.deleted <> 1 ";

    $count = $this->db->load_single(
        "SELECT COUNT(f.file_id) AS n " .
        $selector, true);

    $pagination = $this->pagination($count['n'], $limit, 'f');

    // load files list
    $files = $this->db->load_all(
        "SELECT f.file_id, f.page_id, f.user_id, f.file_size, f.picture_w, f.picture_h, f.file_ext, f.file_lang, f.file_name, f.file_description, f.created, u.user_name AS user " .
        $selector .
        "ORDER BY f." . $order_by . " " .
        "LIMIT {$pagination['offset']}, {$limit}", true);

    // display
    if (!$global)
        $path2 = 'file:/' . $tag . '/';
        $path2 = 'file:/';

    if ($factor = count($files))
        // calculate data for image slider CSS

        // count the number of images in the slide, including the new cloned element
        $img_count            = $factor + 1;
        // calculate the total length of the animation by multiplying the number of _actual_ images by the amount of time for both static display of each image and motion between them
        $total_time            = ($time_on_slide + $time_between_slides) * ($img_count - 1);
        // determine the percentage of time an individual image is held static during the animation
        $slide_ratio        = ($time_on_slide / $total_time) * 100;
        // determine the percentage of time for an individual movement
        $move_ratio            = ($time_between_slides / $total_time) * 100;
        // work out how wide each image should be in the slidy, as a percentage.
        $base_percentage    = 100 / $img_count;
        // set the initial position of the slidy element
        $position            = 0;

        $img_width    = $img_count * 100;
        $slidy        = '';

        if ($slidy_direction == 'right')
            $slidy .= "0% \t{ left: -" . (($img_count - 1) * 100) . "%; }\n";

            for ($i = $img_count - 1; $i > 0; $i--)
                $position += $slide_ratio;
                // make the keyframe the position of the image
                $slidy .= "\t\t" . $position . "% \t{ left: -" . ($i * 100) . "%; }\n";
                $position += $move_ratio;
                // make the postion for the _next_ slide
                $slidy .= "\t\t" . $position . "% \t{ left: -" . (($i - 1) * 100) . "%; }\n";
            $slidy .= "0% \t{ left: 0%; }\n";

            // the slider is moving to the left
            for ($i = 0; $i < ($img_count - 1); $i++)
                $position += $slide_ratio;
                // make the keyframe the position of the image
                $slidy .= "\t\t" . $position . "% \t{ left: -" . ($i * 100) . "%; }\n";
                $position += $move_ratio;
                // make the postion for the _next_ slide
                $slidy .= "\t\t" . $position . "% \t{ left: -" . (($i + 1) * 100) . "%; }\n";

        $tpl->css = <<<EOD

    div#captioned-gallery {
        width: 100%;
        overflow: hidden;
    figure {
        margin: 0;
    figure.slider {
        position: relative;
        width: {$img_width}%;
        font-size: 0;
        animation: {$total_time}s {$animation_timing} slidy infinite;
    figure.slider:hover {
        /* animation: animation 1s  16 ease; */
        animation-play-state: paused;
    figure.slider figure {
        width: {$base_percentage}%;
        height: auto;
        display: inline-block;
        position: inherit;
    figure.slider img {
        width: {$width_settings};
        height: auto;
    figure.slider figure figcaption {
        position: absolute;
        bottom: 0;
        background: rgba(0,0,0,0.3);
        color: #fff;
        width: 100%;
        font-size: 1rem;
        padding: .6rem;
    div#slider figure {
        position: relative;
        width: {$img_width}%;
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        font-size: 0;
        left: 0;
        text-align: left;
        animation: {$total_time}s {$animation_timing} slidy infinite;

    @media screen and (max-width: 500px) {
        figure.slider figure figcaption {
            font-size: 1.2rem;

    /* figure.slider figure figcaption {
        position: absolute;
        bottom: -3.5rem;
        background: rgba(0,0,0,0.3);
        color: #fff;
        width: 100%;
        font-size: 2rem;
        padding: .6rem;
        transition: .5s bottom;
    figure.slider figure:hover figcaption {
        bottom: 0;

    figure.slider figure:hover + figure figcaption {
        bottom: 0;
    } */

    @keyframes slidy {


        // adding at the end a clone of the first array for transition loop
        $files[]    = $files[0];
        $n            = 0;


        foreach($files as $file)
            if ($file['picture_h']) // missing: svg!

                $this->file_cache[$file['page_id']][$file['file_name']] = $file;

                $desc        = $this->format($file['file_description'], 'typografica', ['lang' => $file['file_lang']]);

                if ($desc == '')
                    $desc = NBSP;    // No-Break Space

                $file_name        = $file['file_name'];
                $text            = $media ? '' : $file_name;

                $tpl->image        = $this->link($path2 . $file_name, '', $text, '', $track);
                $tpl->n            = $n;
                $tpl->count        = $count['n'];
                $tpl->desc        = $desc;

        $tpl->leave();    // n
        $tpl->nofile =  $this->_t('FileNotFound');

    $tpl->noaccess = true;


[ === main === ]
	[ ' help ' ]
	[ ' css ' ][ ' nofile ' ]

	<div id="captioned-gallery">
		<figure class="slider">
		[= n _ =
				[ ' image ' ]
				<figcaption>[ ' n ' ]/[ ' count ' ] [ ' desc ' ]</figcaption>

	[= noaccess _ =
		[ ' _t: ActionDenied ' ]

1. Documentation

The sole condition is that all the images must be exactly the same size.

2. How to

%%(wacko wrapper=page wrapper_width=600)

2.1. local usage of repository

symlink the gallery action from community action folder in wacko/action and wacko/action/template folder in repo
ln -s ../../community/action/imageslider.php imageslider.php
ln -s ../../../community/action/template/imageslider.tpl imageslider.tpl

3. Changelog

0.1 Initial version
0.7 Updated to work with R.6.1 (PHP 8.0, Null coalescing assignment operator)
0.8 added order="name_desc" and changed time field names
0.9 added template

4. To Do

  • make parameters like direction, size, time and caption accessible for action
  • modify the action for your purpose

Referring pages:

  1. Dev/PatchesHacks


blick_auf_das_japanische_palais.jpg Blick auf Japanische Palais 56.7 KiB  13.12.2020 10:20 
japanisches_palaisseitlich.jpg Japanisches Palais 33.8 KiB  13.12.2020 10:22 

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