View source for Action: PageID Link

Compatible with: !!(green)**R6.1**!!
Current version: 0.2
Credits: ((user:coffe1nk coffe1nk))

|{{toc numerate=1}} ||
Create internal links using the PageID

##""{{plink page_ids="1,2,3" [inline=0|1]}}""##

The plink action allows you to create internal links using the PageIDs. Because the PageID never changes, it enables you to set links to wiki pages which will be reorganized (moving to another sub-page, get renamed) which will not break.

This is the equivalent to the hashid action, which creates a permalink for the use outside of the wiki.


if (!defined('IN_WACKO'))

// {{plink page_ids="1,2,3" [inline=0|1]}}

if (!isset($page_ids))	return;

// set defaults
$inline ??= 0;

$_page_ids = explode(',', $page_ids);

if ($pages = $this->db->load_all(
	"SELECT tag, title " .
	"FROM " . $this->prefix . "page " .
	"WHERE page_id IN (" . $this->ids_string($_page_ids) . ") " .
	"ORDER BY title", true)
	$tpl->enter($inline ? 'i_' : 'u_');
	$i = 0;

	foreach ($pages as $_page)
		$tpl->l_link = $this->link('/' . $_page['tag'], '', $_page['title']);

		if ($inline && $i++ > 0)
			$tpl->l_delim = ', ';

	$tpl->leave(); // u_ / i_

[ === main === ]
	[ ' message ' ]

	[= u _ =
			[= l _ =
				<li>[ ' link ' ]</li>
	[= i _ =
		[= l _ =
			[ ' delim ' ][ ' link ' ]

%%(info type="warning")
Use **LF** not CRLF line endings in WackoWiki templates.

If you don't do this in templates, the templating engine will throw an error:
##templatest: no main template found in action_or_handler/template/path.tpl##

In version prior to **6.0.32** you must replace the new introduced short table prefix ##$this->prefix## with ##$this->db->table_prefix## to make it work.

##""{{plink page_ids="1, 2, 3" inline=1}}""##
Shows all links inline. The double quotes are required if you use spaces. 

##""{{plink page_ids=100}}""##
Shows link as a list.

====local usage of repository====
symlink the plink action from community action folder in **wacko/action** and **wacko/action/template** folder in repo
ln -s ../../community/action/plink.php plink.php
ln -s ../../../community/action/template/plink.tpl plink.tpl

0.1 Intitial version
0.2 added template

  1. Add support hashid and revision_id?
  2. add link parameter to select between page tag and title 
  3. discuss the concept hashid versus primary keys
  4. add the action either to the community folder or the core (does it fit conceptually)

===See also==
  * Forum: ((/Forum/Discussion/InternalLinksUsingPageID Internal Links Using PageID))
  * hashid action (permalink)