Compatible with: !!(green)**R6.1**!!
Current version: 0.3
Credits: ((user:AhA AhA))
|{{toc numerate=1}} ||
provide some templates to your users to give them a head start in creating their wiki pages
import a bundle of page templates
if (!defined('IN_WACKO'))
* 1. create a template
* 2. embrace the template, as if you would cite it (usage: <[define your template]>)
* 3. place this action beneath <[your template]> {{template.insert}}
* Displays a form to create a new page
* It first validates the form, then takes the above content between <[ ]>
* and puts it into db and then directs you to the newly created page using the header() function;
$tpl->href = $this->href();
if (isset($_POST['page']) && $_POST['page'] == 'result')
$new_tag = (string) ($_POST['newpage'] ?? '');
$tpl->tag = $new_tag;
if (!$new_tag)
// a valid name must be entered
$tpl->message = '<p class="error">' . $this->_t('InvalidNameError') . '</p>';
if (!preg_match('/^([' . self::PATTERN['TAG_P'] . ']+)$/u', $new_tag))
// check reserved word
if ($result = $this->validate_reserved_words($new_tag))
'<code>' . $result . '</code>'));
// check for existing page
else if ($this->load_page($new_tag))
$tpl->message = Ut::perc_replace(
'<strong>' . $this->compose_link_to_page($new_tag, '', '') . '</strong>');
// Select content of page, where action is implemented,
// but only content between "~<[" instead of "~]>" every other expression would do
preg_match_all("/<\[(.*)\]>/us", $this->page['body'], $match);
// in order to control output from $match, takes first match: var_dump($match); exit;
$body = $match[1][0];
$edit_note = '';
// puts queried content "into new page"
$this->save_page($new_tag, $body, '', $edit_note, false, 0, 0, 0, $this->page['page_lang'], false, false);
$this->http->redirect($this->href('', $new_tag));
[ === main === ]
[ ' message ' ]
<h3>[ ' _t: CreateNewPage ' ] using the above template:</h3>
<form action="[ ' href ' ]" method="post" name="add_template">
[ ' csrf: add_template ' ]
<input type="hidden" name="page" value="result">
<label for="create_page">[ ' _t: CreateNewPage ' ]:</label><br>
<input type="text" id="create_page" name="newpage" value="[ ' tag | e attr ' ]" size="60" maxlength="255">
<button type="submit" id="submit_template">[ ' _t: CreateButton ' ]</button>
**Variante von ((user:AhA AhA))**
* Nur angemeldete Benutzer dürfen Seiten hinzufügen
* Erstellt wird automatisch eine Unterseite des angemeldeten Benutzers
* Schreibrecht nur beim Benutzer
* Exisiert die Seite bereits, erscheint eine Fehlermeldung
* Der header ist global
* Gibt man in der Seitenvorlage (zum Beispiel am Schluss) ::: ein, werden diese drei Doppelpunkte bei der Übergabe durch vier Doppelpunkte ersetzt. Wenn der Benutzer seine neue Seite erstmals editiert und wieder speichert, werden die vier Doppelpunkte durch den Benutzernamen ersetzt -> backlink!
* Wenn kein Seitentitel eingegeben wird, bleibt die Aufforderung, man solle einen Seitentitel eingeben
legacy code, incompatible with WackoWiki 6.x
%%(php) <?php
if ($user = $this->GetUser()) {
* 1. create a template(Mustervorlage)
* 2. embrace the template, as if you would cite it (usage: <[define your template]>)
* 3. place this action beneath <[your template]> {{template.insert}}
* Displays a form to create a new page
* It first validates the form, then takes the above content between <[ ]>
* and puts it into db and then directs you to the newly created page using the header() function;
* for function GetTranslation to work properly you need to put
* "CreateButton"=>"Create", ("CreateButton"=>"Translationtoyourlanguage",)
* "NewPage"=>"<b>Your PageName: </b>", ("CreateNewPage"=>"<b>Translation: </b>",)
* in /lang/wakka."yourlanguage".php file
$path = $this->GetPagePath();
$path = strip_tags($path);
$seitentitel = $_POST["newpage"];
$path = str_replace( "?", "", $path);
$form = $this->FormOpen().
"\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\" value=\"result\">".
"\n<hr />".$this->GetTranslation("CreateNewPage")."Die Unterseite <b>".$this->GetUserName()."</b>"."/<input name=\"newpage\" value=\"".$_POST["newpage"]."\" type=\"text\" size=\"20\"/>".
"<input type=\"submit\" value=\"".$this->GetTranslation("CreateButton")."\" <hr />".
if (!$seitentitel) {
// a valid name must be entered
echo $this->GetTranslation("CreateNewPage")."Füge eine Unterseite hinzu.<br />Wähle ein selbsterklärendes Wort ohne Umlaute und Sonderzeichen, z.B. <b>Musik</b>, <b>Hobby</b>, <b>Tiere</b> oder <b>Autos</b>";
echo $form;
if ($_POST["page"]=="result") {
$newpage = $this->GetUserName()."/".$_POST["newpage"];
if (!$newpage) {
// a valid name must be entered
echo "<p class=\"error\">Bitte den Seitennamen eingeben</p>";
echo $form;
} else
if ($existingPage = $this->LoadPage($this->GetUserName()."/".$_POST["newpage"]))
echo "Eine Seite mit diesem Namen existiert bereits!<br />Bitte einen neuen Seitentitel eingeben:";
echo $form;
// Select content of page, where action is implemented,
$tag = $this->getPageTag();
$sql = $this->LoadSingle("select body from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages"." where tag='".quote($tag)."'");
$sql = str_replace( ":::", "::::", $sql);
//but only content between "~<[" instead of "~]>" every other expression would do
// in order to control output from $treffer: var_dump($treffer); exit;
$body = $treffer[1][0];
// current user is owner; if user is logged in! otherwise, no owner.
$write_acl = $this->GetUserName();
$owner = $this->GetUserName();
//puts queried content "into new page"
$this->Query("insert into ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages set ".
($comment_on ? "comment_on = '".quote($comment_on)."', " : "").
($comment_on ? "super_comment_on = '".quote($this->NpjTranslit($comment_on))."', " : "").
"time = now(), ".
"owner = '".quote($owner)."', ".
"user = '".quote($owner)."', ".
"latest = 'Y', ".
"supertag = '".quote($this->NpjTranslit($newpage))."', ".
"body = '".quote($body)."', ".
"body_r = '".quote($body_r)."', ".
"body_toc = '".quote($body_toc)."', ".
"lang = '".quote($lang)."', ".
"tag = '".quote($newpage)."'");
$this->SaveAcl($newpage, "write", ($comment_on ? "" : $write_acl));
// here the script is not quite ready, validation not complete, when accidentally overwriting an existing page
/* Redirect browser */
header('Location:' . $this->config["base_url"] . $newpage);
/* Make sure that code below does not get executed when we redirect. */
} else {
echo $form;
echo "<p class=\"error\">Bitte einloggen! Nur angemeldete Benutzer / Benutzerinnen können Seiten hinzufügen."
?> %%
for users available for copy and paste
((http://www.eonywiki.de/Mustervorlagen/E/EinstellenVonPublikationen demo))
===How to===
====Localization (optional)====
put this at the end of your language file
'CreateButton' => 'Create',
'CreateNewPage' => '<b>Create NewPage: </b>',
'YourPhrase' => 'your translation here',
**[xyz] proposed translations**
[de] ...
* acl, user check
* 0.3 - fixed the action to work with 6.0 and the template engine
===See also===
* ((/Dev/PatchesHacks/TemplateBoxes Template Boxes))