MiniWackoLicious Theme

Compatible with: R5.0
Current version: 0.9.2
Credits: Michael Haschke

Theme repo:

MiniWackoLicious is a theme (a.k.a. template) for WackoFork, a fork of the old WackoWiki. The theme was migrated to the official WackoWiki stable branch, but that version may be a little bit broken (getting fixed later).

1. Download and Installation

  • Download MiniWackoLicious as ZIP- archive, unzip it and copy the miniwackolicious directory to your themes folder of the WackoFork installation.
  • Edit your config.php and set 'theme' => 'miniwackolicious'.

Your wacko user may also select this theme on the Settings page.

2. Features

The theme has been designed for all options you got by the wacko markup. It contains a small main navigation including the input field for the keyword search. At the footer you find the link to the login page or – if logged in – links to the user page, settings and logout. Modern browsers also got a fixed backend bar at the top of the page when a user is logged in. That's it. Simple and eye candy.

3. Customization

To alternate the HTML just edit header.php and footer.php at the appearance folder. To change colors/etc and typographical formatting you can edit screen.css and typography.css at the layout folder.

The main menu can be controlled in appearance/

/* == Edit your main menu here ====================================== */
$menu = array(
    'WikiSite' => 'Name of Site',
    'YourHomePage' => 'Homepage',
    '' => 'Go away'
/* == Stop here! ... and let it flow ================================ */	

You can add i18n features when you add those menu targets and their names to the translation files which you find at lang folder.

4. Bugs, Features and Support

For bug reports and feature requests you can write to – please understand that I cannot provide free support for installation or customization issues.

For commercial support you can contact me at

5. License

The MiniWackoLicious Theme is released open-source under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 licence – except the backend icons, they are taken from Silk icons set by Mark James.

Files MiniWackoLicious Theme 0.9.1 56.7 KiB  20.12.2018 17:24 
miniwackoliciousteaser.png 36.9 KiB  20.12.2018 16:29 
miniwackolicioustypography.png 90.1 KiB  05.07.2011 20:24