//Also available in ((/Doc/Deutsch/Aktionen/authors Deutsch))//
%%print page and revisions' authors.
{{authors [add="2009 Ivan Ivanov[;2010 John Smith[;...]]"] [license="CC-BY-NC-SA"] [cluster=0]}}
add = semicolon-separated list of original authors (for reprinted work or such),
or any appropriate text. wiki-formatting applies.
note: every semicolon-separated block is printed on the new line
add_only = takes only authors from add= parameter
license = some free-form text (wiki-formatting applies) or one of predefined constants:
- CC-BY-ND (CreativeCommons-Attribution-NoDerivatives)
- CC-BY-NC-SA (CreativeCommons-Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike)
- CC-BY-NC-ND (CreativeCommons-Attribution-Non-Commercial No Derivatives)
- CC-BY-SA (CreativeCommons-Attribution-ShareAlike)
- CC-BY-NC (CreativeCommons-Attribution Non-Commercial)
- CC-BY (CreativeCommons-Attribution)
- GNU-FDL (GNU Free Documentation License)
- PD (Public Domain)
cluster = consider all cluster subpages (if = 1) or current page only (0, default)
##~{{authors license="CC-BY-NC-SA"}}##
{{authors license="CC-BY-NC-SA"}}
##~{{authors license="CC-BY-NC-ND"}}##
{{authors license="CC-BY-NC-ND"}}
##~{{authors license="CC-BY-SA"}}##
{{authors license="CC-BY-SA"}}
##~{{authors license="CC-BY-NC"}}##
{{authors license="CC-BY-NC"}}
##~{{authors license="CC-BY-ND"}}##
{{authors license="CC-BY-ND"}}
##~{{authors license="CC-BY"}}##
{{authors license="CC-BY"}}
##~{{authors license="PD"}}##
{{authors license="PD"}}
{{include page="!/Example"}}