View source for Text Formatting

//Also available in ((../Deutsch/Formatierung Deutsch)), ((../Español/ReglasFormato Español)), ((../Français/MiseEnForme Français)), ((../Polski/FormatowanieTekstu Polski)), ((../Русский/WackoСинтаксис Русский)), ((/Doc/简体中文/格式化 简体中文)).//

See also: **((Actions Actions))**

((/Doc/English/Markup Wacko text formatting)) is slightly different from other wikis, so you should read the examples below.

You can experiment with the ((/Doc/English/Markup Wiki Markup)) in the **((/Sandbox Sandbox))**.
Text enclosed in pairs of double quotes is not formatted and remains unchanged when displayed.

||//source// |//displayed// ||
===Table of contents===

#|| || ##""{{toc numerate=1}}""## 

((Actions/TableOfContents detailed description...)) | {{toc numerate=1}} 

|| ||
__NB:__ if you are using this with the 'include' plugin, but don't want the headers that you're pulling in from the include file to be listed in the generated table of contents, use the 'notoc' option like so:

##""{{include page="Formatting/Headlines" notoc=1}}""##
|| ||#

===Basic Formatting===
{{include page="!/Basics" notoc=1}}

The alignment is carried out with the help of such a complex structure:

|| default |%%(wacko wrapper="text" wrapper_align="left") left%%||
|| ##""%%(wacko wrapper=text wrapper_align=center) center%%""## |%%(wacko wrapper=text wrapper_align=center) center%%||
|| ##""%%(wacko wrapper=text wrapper_align=right) right%%""## |%%(wacko wrapper=text wrapper_align=right) right%%||
|| ##""%%(wacko wrapper=text wrapper_align=justify) justify%%""## |%%(wacko wrapper=text wrapper_align=justify) justify%%||

##wrapper_align## can be ##center##, ##right## or ##justify##.

{{include page="!/Links"}}

===Including uploaded files===
#|| ||
checks for global file 
checks for local file, that is only available to readers of this page
absolute path for local file, necessary for local files to be included in another page
++The file must already be uploaded.++

((Actions/UploadFiles detailed description...))
|| ||#
====Media Parameters====
Parameters are added to the file syntax by appending a question mark ##?## and adding additional parameters by an ampersand ##&##. 
e.g. ##~file:/lotus_flower.jpg?right&caption&400##
  * linking
    * ##direct## - to file
    * ##nolink## - shows only the image
    * ##linkonly## - shows only link
    * ##meta## - to filemeta handler (default)
  * alignment
    * ##right##
    * ##left##
    * ##center##
  * resizing
    * ##400x300## - width × height
    * ##0x700## - height
    * ##600## - width
  * others
    * ##caption## - shows caption
    * ##clear## - clears float

{{include page="!/Headlines"  notoc=1}}

===Bulleted and Numbered Lists===

Indent lists with tabs or double spaces, and use ##*##, ##1.##, ##A##., ##a##., or ##i##. to specify the type of list you want.
#|| ||
  first line
    indented line
  * bullet list
  * bullet list-2
  1. numbered list
  1. numbered list-2
  2.#8 numbered list, with transition
  A. using upper case characters
  A. using upper case characters-2
  a. using lower case characters
  a. using lower case characters-2
  i. using Roman numbers
  i. using Roman numbers-2
  1. list
    1. nested list
      * and even more nested list
    1. nested list 2
  2. list 2
  first line
    indented line
  * bullet list
  * bullet list-2
  1. numbered list
  1. numbered list-2
  2.#8 numbered list, with transition
  A. using upper case characters
  A. using upper case characters-2
  a. using lower case characters
  a. using lower case characters-2
  i. using Roman numbers
  i. using Roman numbers-2
  1. list
    1. nested list
      * and even more nested list
    1. nested list 2
  2. list 2
|| ||#

===Cite and definitions ===
##""<[ Citation of text 
(blockquote) ]>""##
<[ Citation of text 
(blockquote) ]>
|| ||
##""(?Term Some definition?)""##
(?Term Some definition?)
|| ||
##""(?Term containing spaces == Some other definition?)""##
(?Term containing spaces == Some other definition?)
|| ||#

##""Text, then footnote[[*]] and second one[[**]]""##
Text, then footnote[[*]] and second one[[**]]
|| ||
##""Text, then numeric footnote[[*1]] and second one[[*2]]""##
Text, then numeric footnote[[*1]] and second one[[*2]]
|| ||
##""[[#*]] Text for first footnote""##
##""[[#**]] Text for second footnote""##
##""[[#1]] Text for numeric footnote""##
##""[[#2]] Text for second numeric footnote""##
[[#*]] Text for first footnote
[[#**]] Text for second footnote
[[#1]] Text for numeric footnote
[[#2]] Text for second numeric footnote
|| ||#

|| **auto-generated footnotes**
## ""[[^ text of footnote here]]""## | generates the footnotes at the end of the page, see ((!/Footnotes example)) ||

To mark a text as a reply or comment, you can use the following syntax: 

|| %%Hi!
> Yes, it is.
>> Are you sure?
> Of course, yes!
>> Really?
>>> Now what?
%% | 
> Yes, it is.
>> Are you sure?
> Of course, yes!
>> Really?
>>> Now what? ||


**Table with border**
*|header 1|header  2|header  3|*

*|header 1|header  2|header  3|*

**Table without border, 100% width**


**Note:** Complex tables can be created by using inline HTML, if available.
To include a pipe ##|## as content within your cell, enclosed the pipe by a pair of double quotes: ##~""|""##.


**Horizontal rule (separator):**

**Forced line break:**
##""test---new line""##
test---new line

**Forced empty line:**
##~---"" ~""---##

**Text output "as-is" -- ignoring markup**
Text should be enclosed by a pair of double quotes, e.g. ##~""test---new line~""##. You can look at the ((Formatting/source source of this page)) for numerous examples.
Furthermore, for the screening of any form of marking, it is possible to use ## ~ ## (tilde).

===Inline HTML===
**HTML output "as-is"**
!!This works only if the site admin allows it.!!

##""<# <input type="text"> #>""## | <# <input type="text"> #>

If you see ##""<input type="text">""## instead of the input field, the site admin don't turn up this function (config parameter: ##allow_rawhtml##).
**NB**: It is very dangerous option, avoid XSS!.

===Special Character===
The automatic proofreader built into the wiki automatically adjusts the saved text to the formatting norms, saving the authors from excessively detailed editing. Here are the changes he makes:
{{include page="!/SpecialCharacter"  notoc=1}}


Macros are little shortcuts which automatically update the document you're writing with relevant variables such as your name and wikiname, the date of writing etc. Basically, they're just little text shortcuts.

**To automatically insert your name, use:**
((user:RomanIvanov RomanIvanov))

**Auto name and date:**
((user:RomanIvanov RomanIvanov)) /20.06.2003 18:13/

20.06.2003 18:13

===Code and Syntax highlighting===
WackoWiki is easily extended with text ((((/Doc/English/Formatters formatters)). They are called using syntax ##""%%(name) text%%""##.

As character markup for text formatters, you can use percent signs ##""%%, %%""## or grave accents ##""``, ``""##. Both characters are equal. Grave accents can be useful if the text already contains percent signs, which may be mistakenly considered markup.
Beyond that this allows you to wrap a formatter in a formatter, e.g. wrapping a CSS highlighter in a details formatter.

There are several formatters included in Wacko package:
{{include page="!/Formatter"}}

===Wrappers around formatters===
{{include page="!/Wrapper"}}