This page is also available in ((/Doc/Deutsch/Voraussetzungen Deutsch)), ((/Doc/Français/Prérequis Français)), ((/Doc/Español/Requisitos Español)), ((/Doc/Русский/Требования Русский)), ((/Doc/简体中文/系统要求 简体中文)).
To install !!(green)**WackoWiki R6.1**!!
* Web server: Apache >= 2.4 / Nginx / other
* PHP 8.0 - 8.4 (PHP 8.3 recommended)
* PHP extensions: bcmath, ctype, gd, iconv, intl, json, mbstring, openssl, pcre, spl
* MariaDB >= 10.4 / MySQL >= 8.0
* ((/Doc/English/ModRewrite mod_rewrite)) -- Apache module to use SEF-URLs in WackoWiki
* (( XAMPP)) -- preconfigured Apache server package with MariaDB and PHP
* FileZilla
* (( phpMyAdmin)) / (( Adminer)) -- MySQL administration tool for PHP
* (( 7-Zip)) / (( PeaZip)) -- archiver to unpack the distro
* Git Version Control - helps manage updates
If all the requirements are met you can go on with WackoWiki **((Installation))**.