
Translators, doc writers, and everybody working on internationalization, localization, and documentation of WackoWiki.

Topic Author Replies Views Last comment
Untranslated strings should not return as null or empty - suggestion brianko
17.02.2024 22:42
2 529 brianko
18.02.2024 05:27
I'm a fan of _t returning the untranslated string (rather than null or empty) if a suitable translation is not found. The reason being: Untranslated strings are easy to spot and (hopefully) fix. But when null/empty is returned, it's not [...]
Translation Chinese qianmengnet
24.03.2022 20:11
4 1,050 6PigPig
28.01.2023 01:35
version: wackowiki 6.0.27 file: lang/wacko.zh.php admin/lang/ap.zh.php The translated content has been uploaded on Full translation. Some words do not need translation, everyone understands, or everyone does not care, such as [...]
Submit changes to the repository ascrsoft
12.12.2020 19:17
9 1,265 ascrsoft
31.12.2021 19:54
I want to help with the translation from English to Spanish in the administration menu so I sent some changes yesterday of some words in the menu. I sent it to the master branch, si[...]
JavaScript localization WikiAdmin
04.09.2015 12:25
0 1,289 (04.09.2015 12:25)
<script src="/js/lang/wikiedit.<?php $this->user_lang;?>.js"></script> -> js/ folder due handler restrictions gets cached once, right and we put this way all our message sets for WikiEdit and upload.js, but it requires always this extra[..]