View source for Derzeitige CSS-Inhalt

//Fehler bitte melden ;-) Es ist noch nicht alles kommentiert - bin noch am schauen.//


%%(hl css)
 * File content:
 * Includes all styles that forces the look of wacko-related parts

/** Styles for the main content in the page. *********************************/
.page {
	margin:			15px 0;
	padding:		0 15px;
	line-height:		1.6em;

/* Specifies the look of hyperlinks: CODE ((HomePage)) */
.page a {
	border-bottom:		dotted 1px #a33;
.page a:hover {
	border-bottom:		solid 1px #a33;

/* Specifies the look of quotes: CODE <[text]> */
.page blockquote {
	background:		#f9f9f9;
	border:			solid 1px #eee;
	border-left:		solid 3px #eee;
	color:			#666;
	font-family:		Bitstream Vera Serif, sans-serif;
	padding:		3px;

/* Specifies the look of important text: CODE !!text!! */
.page .cite {
	color:			#c00;
	font-weight:		900;

/* Specifies the look of important colored text: CODE !!(red)text!! */
.page .cl-blue {
	color:			#009;
.page .cl-green {
	color:			#090;
.page .cl-red {
	color:			#c00;

/* Specifies the look of code areas: CODE (wacko flippt hier) */
.page code {
	font-family:		Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, Courier New, monospace;

.page .code {
	background:		#fafafa;
	border:			solid 2px #ddd;
	font-family:		Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, Courier New, monospace;
	font-size:		0.9em;
	padding:		3px;
	width:			80%;
	-moz-border-radius:	5px;

/* Specifies the look of definitions: CODE ??icq i seek you?? */
.page dfn {
	border-bottom:		dotted 1px #ccc;
	cursor:			help;
	font-style:		normal;

/* Specifies the look of the fieldsets: CODE {{toc}} {{backlinks}} */
.page fieldset {
	border:			solid 2px #ddd;
	font-weight:		900;
	-moz-border-radius:	5px;
.page fieldset a {
	border:			0;
	color:			#303030;
	font-weight:		400;
.page fieldset a:hover {
	border:			0;
/* Specifies the entries inside the fieldset */
.page fieldset .toc1 {
	margin-left:		15px;
.page fieldset .toc2 {
	margin-left:		30px;

/* Specifies the look of horizontal rulers: CODE --- */
.page hr {
	background-color:	#ccc; /* Mozilla 1.4 */
	color:			#ccc; /* IE 6 */
	border:			#ccc; /* Opera 7.11 */
	height:			1px;

/* Specifies the look of indent text: CODE   Note the two extra spaces */
.page .indent {
	margin-left:		40px;

/* Specifies the look of marked text: CODE ??text?? */
.page .mark {
	background-color:	#ffc;
	border:			solid 1px #cc9;

/* Specifies the text for included pages */
.page .include {
	background:		#f9f9f9;
	border:			solid 1px #ccc;
.page .include .name {
	background:		#eee;
	font-size:		0.85em;
	padding:		0 10px;
.page .include .name a {
	border:			0;
.page .include .name a:hover {
	border:			0;

/* Specifies the look of outerlinks: CODE (( nerds)) */
.page .outerlink img {
	margin-right:		0.2em;

.page pre {
	font-family:		Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, Courier New, monospace;

/* Specifies the look of strike through text: CODE --text-- */
.page s {
	color:			#999;

/* Specifies the look of small text: CODE ++text++ */
.page small {
	font-size:		0.85em;

.page sub {
	font-size:		0.85em;
	margin:			0 2px;
/* Specifies the look of footprints: CODE [[#*]] */
.page sup {
	font-size:		0.85em;
	margin:			0 2px;
.page sup a {
	color:			#666;
	border:			0;
	color:			#666;
.page sup a:hover {
	border:			0;
	color:			#303030;

.page textarea {

/* Specifies the look of fixed width text: CODE: ##monospace## */
.page tt {
	color:			#006;
	font-family:		Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, Courier New, monospace;
	font-size:		0.9em;
	padding:		0 5px;

/** Chat-related *************************************************************/
.page .micq1, .page .micq2, .page .micq3 {
	font-family:		Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, Courier New, monospace;
	font-size:		0.85em;
/* Username */
.page .micq1 {
	font-weight:		900;
/* Time, Date */
.page .micq2 {
	font-size:		0.8em;
/* Message */
.page .micq3 {
	width:			100%;

/** Wrapper-related **********************************************************/
.page div .action {
	background:		#eee;
	margin:			3px;
	-moz-border-radius:	5px;
.page div .action-content {
	padding:		10px;

/** Email-related ************************************************************/
/* Quoted message on new email */
.page .email1, .page .email2 {
	color:			#009;
	padding-left:		5px;
/* Currently unknown */
.page .email-odd, .page .email-even {

/** Header related ***********************************************************/
/* Specifies the look of all headers */
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
	font-weight:		400;
	padding:		0;
h1 {
	border-bottom:		solid 2px #ccc;
	font-size:		2em;
	margin-top:		0.3em;
	margin-bottom:		0.4em;
	padding-bottom:		0.2em;
h2 {
	border-bottom:		solid 2px #ccc;
	font-size:		1.6em;
	margin-bottom:		0.4em;
	margin-top:		1.1em;
h3 {
	font-size:		1.3em;
	margin-bottom:		0.2em;
	margin-top:		0.5em;
h4 {
	font-size:		1.2em;
h5 {
	font-size:		1.1em;
h6 {
	font-size:		1.0em;

/** Text highlighter-related *************************************************/
.page .hl-main {
.page .hl-gutter {
	background-color:	#ccc;
	padding-right:		10px; 
.page .hl-table {
	border:			solid 1px #000;
.page .hl-default, .page hl-identifier {
	color:			#000;
.page .hl-code {
	color:			#7f7f33;
.page .hl-brackets {
	color:			#096;
.page .hl-comment {
	color:			#7f7f7f;
.page .hl-quotes {
	color:			#00007f;
.page .hl-string {
	color:			#7f0000;
.page .hl-reserved {
	color:			#7f007f;
.page .hl-inlinedoc, .page .hl-special {
	color:			#00f;
.page .hl-var {
	color:			#06f;
.page .hl-inlinetags, .page .hl-url {
	color:			#f00;
.page .hl-number {
	color:			#007f00;
.page .hl-builtin    {
	color:			#963;

/** List-related *************************************************************/
/* Specifies the look of unordered list elements */
.page ul li {

/* Specifies the look different lists */
.page ol, .page ul {
	margin:			0;
	padding-bottom:		0;
	padding-top:		0.2em;

/** Table related ************************************************************/
/* Specifies the look of 100% tables: CODE #| || Here | there || |# */
.page .dtable {
	border-collapse:	collapse;
	width:			100%;
.page .dtable tr td {
	padding:		5px;
.page .usertable {
	border-collapse:	collapse;
.page .usertable tr td {
	border:			solid 1px #666;
	padding:		5px;

/** File and comment related *************************************************/
/* Specifies the look of the headers (on top) */
.commentsheader, .filesheader {
	background-color:	#ddd;
	border-top:		solid 1px #bbb;
	padding:		0px 5px;
/* Specifies the look of the comment */
.comment {
	background-color:	#eee;
	border-top:		solid 1px #ccc;
	padding:		5px 15px;
/* Specifies the look of the comment author (and date) */
.comment .commentinfo {
	background-color:	#eee;
	color:			#999;
	padding:		5px 0;
/* Specifies the look of the area for user input */
.commentform {
	background-color:	#eee;
	border-top:		solid 1px #ccc;
	padding:		15px 30px 5px 15px;
/* Sprecifies the look of the buttons */
.commentform input {
	background-color:	#ddd;
	border:			solid 1px #999;
	margin:			5px;
	-moz-border-radius:	3px;
/* Specifies the look of hyperlinks of the headers */
.filesheader a, .commentsheader a {
	color:			#303030;
/* Specifies the look of the file area */
.files {
	background-color:	#eee;
	border-top:		solid 1px #ccc;
	padding:		5px 15px;
	width:			auto;
/* Specifies the look of the file description */
.files .desc- {
	border-bottom:		solid 1px #eee;
	padding-left:		3em;
/* Specifies the look of the file date */
.files .dt- {
	border-bottom:		solid 1px #eee;
	color:			#999;
	padding-top:		0.5em;
	white-space:		nowrap;
/* Specifies the look of the file name */
.files .file- {
	border-bottom:		solid 1px #eee;
	white-space:		nowrap;
/* Specifies the look of the file hyperlink */
.files .file- .outerlink {
	border-bottom:		dotted 1px #a33;
.files .file- .outerlink img {
	margin-right:		0.2em;
/* Specifies the look if the file size */
.files .size- {
	border-bottom:		dotted 1px #eee;
	font-size:		0.8em;
	padding-left:		2em;
	padding-right:		1em;
/* Specifies the alignment inside the files table */
.files td {
	vertical-align:		bottom;

.filesform {


%%(hl css)
 * File content:
 * Includes all styles that forces the look of the whole page

/* Specifies the look of hyperlinks */
a {
	color:			#a33;
	text-decoration:	none;

/* Specifies basic rules */
body {
	margin:			0 auto;
	padding:		0;
	font-family:		Bitstream Vera Sans, sans-serif;
	font-size:		small;
	background:		#e6e6e6 url(../background.png) top center repeat-y;

img {
	border:			none;

/* Specifies the look of <p> tags */
p {
	margin:			0;
	padding:		0;

/* Specifies the look of rows and cells in a table */
td, tr {
	vertical-align:		top;

/* Specifies the look of textareas */
textarea {
	border:			solid 2px #ccc;
	font-family:		Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, Courier New, monospace;
	font-size:		0.9em;
	-moz-border-radius:	5px;


%%(hl css)
 * File content:
 * Includes all styles that forces the look of page-related parts 

/** Styles for main content which will be wrapped to centere *****************/
#mainwrapper {
	background:		#ffffff;
	color:			#303030;
	margin:			0 auto;
	width:			900px;

/** Styles for main header at top. *******************************************/
#header {
	background-color:	#8492a9;
	color:			#fff;
	font-size:		1.3em;
	padding:		10px 15px;
/* Specifies the look of hyperlinks */
#header a {
	color:			#fff;
	text-decoration:	none;
/* Specifies the look of the search box */
#header .search {
	border:			solid 2px #ccc;
	float:			right;
	-moz-border-radius:	3px;

/** Styles for quicklinks (bookmarks) on top *********************************/
#quicklinks {
	background-color:	#ddd;
	border-bottom:		solid 1px #aaa;
	border-top:		solid 1px #bbb;
	color:			#eee;
	padding:		0 10px;
/* Specifies the look of hyperlinks */
#quicklinks a {
	color:			#000;
	padding:		0 5px;
	text-decoration:	none;
/* Specifies the look of hovered hyperlinks */
#quicklinks a:hover {
	color:			#a33;

/** Style for actions (images) ***********************************************/
#quickactions {
	float:			right;
	margin:			5px 10px;
#quickactions a {
	padding:		0px 3px;

/*Styles for the page footer. ************************************************/
#footer {
	background-color:	#8492a9;
	border-top:		1px solid #aaa;
	color:			#fff;
	font-size:		0.9em;
	font-weight:		900;
	padding:		5px 15px;
/* Specifies the look of hyperlinks */
#footer a {
	color:			#fff;
	font-weight:		400;
/* Specifies the look of hovered hyperlinks */
#footer a:hover {
	text-decoration:	underline;
/* Look of images */
#footer img {
	vertical-align:		bottom;
