This is a comment on Session File Store: inaccessible directory "/tmp", posted by WikiAdmin at 01.11.2023 18:16

View source for Re: inaccessible directory "/tmp"

Your XAMPP has either insufficient user or access rights for the ##'/tmp'## folder **or** the folder resides in a different location..

Possible options:

Change in **constants.php** the value for ##CACHE_SESSION_DIR## to ##_cache/session## or in your case ##/xampp/tmp##
%%const CACHE_SESSION_DIR		= '/tmp';	// '_cache/session'%%
%%(info type="example" title="tmp folder for XAMPP Windows")
The default ##tmp/## folder for XAMPP Windows resides under ##C:\xampp\tmp##, see ((/Dev/Components/SessionHandling Session handling)).

##const CACHE_SESSION_DIR		= '/xampp/tmp';##

Change in the ((/Doc/English/Configuration secondary config)) / **((/Doc/English/AdminPanel Admin panel))** System section the ##session_store## value  for Session handling  from **File** (##1##) to **Database** (##2##).

Address your insufficient user or access rights for the ##'/tmp'## folder. On Windows you might want chose option **A** or **B**.