R5.5 Dependencies

1. Requirements

1.1. PHP

PHP >= 7.0 (PHP 7.2 recommended)

1.1.1. PHP Extensions

  1. bcmath, or GMP
  2. ctype
  3. gd
  4. iconv
  5. json
  6. mbstring
  7. openssl
  8. pcre
  9. spl

1.1.2. Necessity to raise the PHP version

PHP version

  • 5.4
    • short array syntax support
  • 5.5
    • password_hash() and password_verify() API
  • 5.6
    • hashids 2.0 dropped PHP 5.3 - 5.5 support
  • 7.0
    • Null Coalescing Operator

cause for raise

1.2. Web server

Apache >= 2.4

Apache version

  • 2.2
    • EOS December 2017

1.3. Database

SQL database system, one of:

MariaDB >= 10.0.5
MySQL >= 5.6.4

1.3.1. Necessity to raise the Database version

DB version

  • MariaDB 10.0.5 & MySQL 5.6.4
    • InnoDB Full-text Search support

2. Used Libraries

# directory project version status
1 bad_behavior Bad Behavior 2.2.23 patched: various, see repo
2 captcha freeCap 1.4.1 patched: various, see repo
3 htmlsax3 HTMLSAX3 3.0.0 patched: various, see repo
4 phpmailer PHPMailer 6.1.4 patched: various, see repo
5 phpthumb PhpThumb 2.1 unpatched
6 safehtml SafeHTML 1.3.11 patched: various, see repo
7 simplepie SimplePie 1.5.4 unpatched
8 text_highlighter Text_Highlighter 0.8.0 patched: various, see repo
9 hashids Hashids 3.0.0 patched, see subdir
10 php-diff php-diff 1.0 patched, see subdir

Upstream projects