(10.03.2023) ((commit:a31bc75a22e98d32ceb40f9a4cc7af475858b51 a31bc75)) -> **M37** ++(((/Dev/Release/R6.0/ChangeLog Change Log)))++
{{toc numerate=1 from="h3" to="h6"}}
This is a major release.
The 6.0 release serves mainly two purposes: Migration to **Unicode** and PHP 8.0 compatibility.
====Notable in this release====
1. UTF-8 support
* यूनिकोड, Юникод, ইউনিক’ড, 유니코드
1. accent and case-sensitive page tag
1. implemented full support for relative path
1. new ##info##, ##chat## and ##details## formatter along with new wrapper options
1. complete PHP 8.0 compatibility
* stable - 15.12.2019
* m37 - 10.03.2023
**((https://downloads.sourceforge.net/wackowiki/legacy/wackowiki-6.0.37.zip wackowiki-6.0.37.zip))**
* File updated to change set a31bc75a22e98d32ceb40f9a4cc7af475858b51
**Repo files** (including ((source:6.0/community community)) folder)
* **6.0.37 ((https://bitbucket.org/wackowiki/wackowiki/get/6.0.37.zip zip)) ((https://bitbucket.org/wackowiki/wackowiki/get/6.0.37.tar.gz gz)) ((https://bitbucket.org/wackowiki/wackowiki/get/6.0.37.tar.bz2 bz2))**
Clone repo (((/Org/Tools/Repository see Repository)))
%%git clone -b 6.0.37 https://github.com/WackoWiki/wackowiki.git%%
====Upgrade path====
((/Dev/Release/R5.5/Upgrade R5.x –> R5.5)) (requires PHP 7.0 - 7.4)
((/Dev/Release/R6.0/Upgrade R5.5 –> R6.0)) (requires **PHP >= 7.3**)
Please read the **((/Dev/Release/R6.0/Upgrade upgrade notices))** carefully.
##""{{admin_utf8}}""## -- ((/Dev/Release/R6.0/Upgrade/DatabaseConversion database UTF-8 conversion script))
((/Doc/English/Installation Installation guide))
((/Dev/Release/R6.0/Dependencies requires now))
* PHP 7.3 - 8.0 (PHP 8.0 recommended)
* PHP Extensions
* bcmath, ctype, gd, iconv, intl, json, mbstring, openssl, pcre, spl
* Apache >= 2.4 / Nginx
* mod_rewrite (recommended)
* SQL database system, one of:
* MariaDB >= 10.2
* MySQL >= 5.7
Step by step as **((/Doc/English/Installation/Screenshots Installer Screenshots))**.
Preparing the Database for Installation
%%(sql)CREATE DATABASE db_name CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;%%
=====File Permissions=====
((/Doc/English/FilePermissions Change the permissions)) on the following files and directories to be writable
##touch config/config.php##
##chmod 666 config/config.php##
##chmod 0755 _cache/config/ _cache/feed/ _cache/page/ _cache/query/ _cache/session/ _cache/template/ file/backup/ file/global/ file/perpage/ file/thumb/ xml/##
##chmod 0660 config/lock config/lock_ap sitemap.xml##
reset after installation / upgrade
##chmod 644 config/config.php##
=====Path for session values=====
Check if the provided path for ##CACHE_SESSION_DIR## is correct. The default value is ##/tmp## but may vary in your environment.
Furthermore you may want to change this to a ((/Dev/Components/SessionHandling custom folder)) for the application (e.g. ##_cache/session##) .
%%const CACHE_SESSION_DIR = '/tmp';%%
====((/Doc/English/AdminPanel Admin panel))====
* to login define the ##recovery_password## in the config.php file first
1. call the ##""{{admin_recovery}}""## action as Admin and generate the password hash for your recovery_password
2. add the password hash: ##'recovery_password' => 'add hash here',##
* Don't forget to delete the _cache/config/config.php afterwards.
* **you must be logged in as member of the Admin group** in the first place **to access the admin panel**
* call yourwiki/admin.php
* enter your recovery_password
If your Admin panel gets locked reset **config/lock_ap** from ##1## to ##0##
{{anchor href="theme_migration"}}
If you want to keep your layout, you have to use a program like Meld or WinMerge to merge your CSS and other theme files with the new files in the folder **((source:6.0/src/theme/default wacko/theme/default))**.
You can write or adapt your theme also without using the ((/Dev/Projects/Templatest/Usage template engine)).
-> ((/Dev/Themes Themes))
-> ((/Doc/English/ThemeGuide Theme guide with example templates))
====Backwards Compatibility====
We dropped compatibility code for older PHP and MySQL versions. R6.0 requires at least PHP 7.3 and MySQL 5.7. To use WackoWiki with older PHP or MySQL versions, use the older branch of ((/Dev/Release/R5.5/ReleaseNotes 5.5.x releases)), which you can find on the ((/Download/LegacyVersions download page)).
====Known Issues====
All ((ToDo known issues)) are tracked in our ((https://wackowiki.org/bugs/ Bug Tracker.))
1. **MySQL 8**: Remove the ##NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER## in your constants.php, e.g.
Otherwise it will throw a Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Variable 'sql_mode' can't be set to the value of 'NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER' in /setup/install-database.php:180
1. **((/Dev/Release/R6.0/ToDo/SessionTimedOut Session duration issue))** - FIXED partially
2. WikiEdit Autocomplete selection ain't working (help needed)
1. Missing route cases (needs fix)
2. CSS files in RECOVERY mode
* ((user:RideSnowNow RideSnowNow)) -- developer, translation
* ((user:yanjiew 王彥傑)) (Yan-Jie Wang) - initial ((https://gitlab.com/wackowiki-tchinese/wackowiki-unicode Unicode fork))
* ((user:Raysir Raysir)) -- testing, translation
* ((user:Elar9000 Elar9000)) -- developer, translation, support
* ((user:EoNy EoNy)) -- translation, documentation, screenshots, support
* ((user:KlePy KlePy)) -- Spanish translation
* ((user:Abram4 Abram4)) -- Russian translation , testing
* ((user:bear bear)) - testing
* ((user:ascrsoft ascrsoft)) -- Spanish translation, testing