Action Help Option
The goal is to have a help option at hand like we know it from command line commands and have a common way to document all available parameters of each action. This way the user as well as the developer has all information accessible inside the application.
1. Parameter
print help and exit.
To print only the help, the action must process and output the help parameter first.
1.1. Set default
<?php // set defaults $help ??= 0;
1.2. Without template
<?php if ($help) { echo $this->help($info, 'paragraphs'); return; }
1.3. With template
<?php if ($help) { $tpl->help = $this->help($info, 'anchor'); return; }
[ === main === ] [ ' help ' ]
1.3.1. Discard other template output
All following parts must be wrapped in a definition to not get printed with the help. This way the non existing definitions in the template array prevent the output.
<?php if ($condition) { $tpl->parent_variable = $variable; } $tpl->definition = true;
[= parent _ = <span>[ ' variable | filter ' ]</span> =] [= definition _ = <tag> [ ' _t: Hello ' ] </tag> =]
2. Example
{{edit help=1}}
Description: Creates a link to the edit handler, if the user has the right to edit the given page. Usage: {{edit}} Options: [page="PageName"] [text="your text"]
2.1. Example action
<?php if (!defined('IN_WACKO')) { exit; } $info = <<<EOD Description: Creates a link to the edit handler, if the user has the right to edit the given page. Usage: {{edit}} Options: [page="EditThisPage"] [text="your text"] EOD; // set defaults $help ??= 0; $page ??= ''; $text ??= ''; $tag = $page ? $this->unwrap_link($page) : $this->tag; $href = $this->href('edit', $tag); if ($help) { $tpl->help = $this->help($info, 'edit'); return; } if (!$text) { $text = $this->_t('EditText'); } if ($this->has_access('write')) { $tpl->l_href = $href; $tpl->l_text = $text; }
[ === main === ] [ ' help ' ] [= l _ = <a href="[ ' href | e attr ' ]" title="[ ' _t: EditTip ' ]">[ ' text | e ' ]</a> =]
3. Help function
<?php // ... // help action wrapper function help(string $info, string $action): string { return $this->action('help', ['info' => $info, 'action' => $action]); } // ...
4. Help action
If it can't find a related translation it defaults to the original help text.
<?php if (!defined('IN_WACKO')) { exit; } // set defaults $info ??= ''; $action ??= ''; // check for translated version $lang = $this->get_user_language(); $help = []; $lang_file = Ut::join_path('action/lang', 'help.' . $lang . '.php'); if (@file_exists($lang_file)) { include $lang_file; } if (isset($help[$action])) { $info = $help[$action]; } $tpl->help_text = $info;
[ === main === ] [= help _ = <pre class="help"> [ ' text | pre ' ] </pre> =]
5. Localization
1 of 1 Files accessible from this page : | English action help message sets for translation | 5.2 KiB | 03/05/2024 07:38 |
<?php if (!defined('IN_WACKO')) { exit; } $help = [ 'changes' => <<<EOD Beschreibung: Zeigt die Liste der letzten Änderungen in jedem Cluster. Verwendung: {{changes}} Optionen: [page="Cluster"] [date="YYYY-MM-DD"] [max=Number] [title=1] [noxml=1] EOD, 'edit' => <<<EOD Beschreibung: Erstellt einen Verweis zum Bearbeiten einer bestimmten Seite, wenn der Nutzer das Recht hat diese zu bearbeiten. Verwendung: {{edit}} Optionen: [page="SeiteZumBearbeiten"] [text="Dein Text"] EOD, ];
<?php if (!defined('IN_WACKO')) { exit; } $help = [ 'changes' => <<<EOD Описание: Выводит список последних изменений в каком-либо кластере. Usage: {{changes}} Опции: [page="Cluster"] [date="YYYY-MM-DD"] [max=номер] [title=1] [noxml=1] EOD, 'edit' => <<<EOD Описание: Позволяет включить линк на правку другой страницы. Usage: {{edit}} Опции: [page="ДругаяСтраница"] [text="your text"] EOD, ];
6. CSS
default.css { border: 1px solid lightgray; border-radius: 3px; padding: 10px; }
7. Test
{{toc numerate=1}} ===admin_massregex=== {{admin_massregex help=1}} ===admin_recovery=== {{admin_recovery help=1}} ===admin_replace=== {{admin_replace help=1}} ===admincache=== {{admincache help=1}} ===adminupdate=== {{adminupdate help=1}} ===anchor=== {{anchor help=1}} ===authors=== {{authors help=1}} ===backlinks=== {{backlinks help=1}} ===blog=== {{blog help=1}} ===calendar=== {{calendar help=1}} ===categories=== {{categories help=1}} ===category=== {{category help=1}} ===changepassword=== {{changepassword help=1}} ===changes=== {{changes help=1}} ===comment=== {{comment help=1}} ===commented=== {{commented help=1}} ===comments=== {{comments help=1}} ===deleted=== {{deleted help=1}} ===edit=== {{edit help=1}} ===editsection=== {{editsection help=1}} ===embed=== {{embed help=1}} ===feed=== {{feed help=1}} ===filelinks=== {{filelinks help=1}} ===files=== {{files help=1}} ===forums=== {{forums help=1}} ===gallery=== {{gallery help=1}} ===groups=== {{groups help=1}} ===hashid=== {{hashid help=1}} ===help=== {{help help=1}} ===hits=== {{hits help=1}} ===imageslider=== {{imageslider help=1}} ===import=== {{import help=1}} ===include=== {{include help=1}} ===interwikilist=== {{interwikilist help=1}} ===lastedited=== {{lastedited help=1}} ===license=== {{license help=1}} ===login=== {{login help=1}} ===menu=== {{menu help=1}} ===mostcommented=== {{mostcommented help=1}} ===mostpopular=== {{mostpopular help=1}} ===mychanges=== {{mychanges help=1}} ===mychangeswatches=== {{mychangeswatches help=1}} ===mygroups=== {{mygroups help=1}} ===mypages=== {{mypages help=1}} ===mywatches=== {{mywatches help=1}} ===navigation=== {{navigation help=1}} ===news=== {{news help=1}} ===orphaned=== {{orphaned help=1}} ===pagebreak=== {{pagebreak help=1}} ===pageindex=== {{pageindex help=1}} ===pagelinks=== {{pagelinks help=1}} ===paragraphs=== {{paragraphs help=1}} ===randomimage=== {{randomimage help=1}} ===randompage=== {{randompage help=1}} ===randomphrase=== {{randomphrase help=1}} ===redirect=== {{redirect help=1}} ===registration=== {{registration help=1}} ===search=== {{search help=1}} ===tagcloud=== {{tagcloud help=1}} ===toc=== {{toc help=1}} ===topics=== {{topics help=1}} ===tree=== {{tree help=1}} ===upload=== {{upload help=1}} ===usergroups=== {{usergroups help=1}} ===userpages=== {{userpages help=1}} ===users=== {{users help=1}} ===usersettings=== {{usersettings help=1}} ===wanted=== {{wanted help=1}} ===watchers=== {{watchers help=1}} ===whatsnew=== {{whatsnew help=1}}
8. ToDo
- build English help.en.php via script as template for other languages
- action array + template