R6.1 Dependencies

1. Requirements

1.1. PHP

PHP 8.0 - 8.4 (PHP 8.3 recommended)

1.1.1. PHP Extensions

  1. bcmath, or GMP
  2. ctype
  3. ext-dom
  4. fileinfo
  5. gd
  6. iconv
  7. intl
  8. json
  9. mbstring
  10. mysqli
  11. openssl
  12. pcre
  13. pdo
  14. pdo_mysql
  15. spl
  16. zlib

1.1.2. Necessity to raise the PHP version

PHP version

  • 7.4
    • Null Coalescing Assignment Operator - ??=
  • 8.0
    • Match expression and str_*() functions

cause for raise

1.2. Web server

One of

  • Apache >= 2.4
  • Nginx
  • other

WackoWiki is server-agnostic, however Apache rewrite rules in .htaccess must be converted accordingly.

1.3. Database

SQL database system, one of:

MariaDB >= 10.4
MySQL >= 8.0

1.3.1. Necessity to raise the Database version

DB version

  • MariaDB 10.2 & MySQL 5.7.7
    • support index key prefixes up to 3072 bytes by default (optional)
  • MariaDB 10.4 & MySQL 8.0
    • End of support of earlier versions
    • MySQL: Changes in SQL mode settings (removes NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER)

cause for raise

2. Used Libraries

# directory project version status
1 bad_behavior Bad Behavior 2.2.25 patched: various, see repo
2 captcha freeCap 1.4.5 patched: various, see repo
3 hashids Hashids 5.0.2 unpatched
4 htmlsax3 HTMLSAX3 3.0.0 patched: various, see repo
5 php-diff php-diff 2.4.0 patched, see subdir
6 phpmailer PHPMailer 6.9.2 unpatched
7 phpthumb PhpThumb 2.3.1 unpatched
8 safehtml SafeHTML 1.3.12 patched: various, see repo
9 simplepie SimplePie 1.8.1 unpatched
10 svg-sanitizer svg-sanitizer 0.20 patched: various, see repo
11 text-hl Text_Highlighter 0.8.0 patched: various, see repo