DB driver: Error Mode
default error mode setting for DB driver:
const DB_ERROR_MODE = 0; // DB error mode: 0 - silent, 1 - warning, 2 - exception
1. MySQLi
As of PHP 8.1.0, the default setting is MYSQLI_REPORT_ERROR | MYSQLI_REPORT_STRICT. Previously, it was MYSQLI_REPORT_OFF.
In other words MYSQLI_REPORT_STRICT will cause a FATAL ERROR for a missing table, field or syntax error. Who wants this in an production environment by default - I don't get it.
Sets mysqli error reporting mode.
Name | Description |
MYSQLI_REPORT_OFF | Turns reporting off |
MYSQLI_REPORT_ERROR | Report errors from mysqli function calls |
MYSQLI_REPORT_STRICT | Throw mysqli_sql_exception for errors instead of warnings |
MYSQLI_REPORT_INDEX | Report if no index or bad index was used in a query |
MYSQLI_REPORT_ALL | Set all options (report all) |
Add option to turn reporting off by default.
<?php $options = match (DB_ERROR_MODE) { 0 => MYSQLI_REPORT_OFF, 1 => MYSQLI_REPORT_ERROR, 2 => MYSQLI_REPORT_ERROR | MYSQLI_REPORT_STRICT, }; mysqli_report($options);
Setting the MySQLi error reporting to off avoids fatal errors due to uncaught exceptions and maintains the current behavior.
2. PDO
PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE: This attribute is used for error reporting. It can have one of the following values.
Name | Description |
PDO::ERRMODE_SILENT | If the ATTR_ERRMODE is not set in the code, ERRMODE_SILENT is the default value of ATTR_ERRMODE attribute. It sets error codes. In silent mode, if there is an error in SQL, PDO will throw no exceptions; PDO will issue no warnings; it will simply return false. Value of PDO::ERRMODE_SILENT is 0. The script will run without generating any error or warning. |
PDO::ERRMODE_WARNING | This value raises E_WARNING. In warning mode, if there is an error in SQL, PDO will issue warnings but script will continue running. Value of PDO::ERRMODE_WARNING is 1. The script will run with generating warning about the error. |
PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION | This value throws exceptions. In exception mode, if there is an error in SQL, PDO will throw exceptions and script will stop running. Value of PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION is 2. The script will stop executing generating the error which throws the exception. |
<?php $options = match (DB_ERROR_MODE) { 0 => [PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_SILENT], 1 => [PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_WARNING], 2 => [PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION], }; try { $this->dblink = new PDO($dsn, $config->db_user, $config->db_password, $options); } catch (PDOException $e) { die('PDO DSN Error: ' . $e->getMessage()); }