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{{toc numerate=1}}

===Search Highlighter===
====Full words====

Search action: Highlight only full words. (default)

$highlight_this = function ($text, $words)
	$text			= Ut::html($text);
	$words			= trim($words);
	$words_array	= explode(' ', $words);
	$boundaries		= '[\\p{Z}\\p{P}\\p{C}]';

	if ($words_array)
		$pat_pre		= "(^|{$boundaries})";
		$pat_post		= "({$boundaries}|$)";

		foreach ($words_array as $word)
			// escape bad regex characters
			$word	= preg_quote($word, '/');

			$pattern	= "/$pat_pre(" . $word . ")$pat_post/ui";
			$text		= preg_replace($pattern, "\\1<mark class='highlight'>\\2</mark>\\3", $text);

	return $text;

Search action: Highlight strings. (##hl_simple=1##) 
Ideographic languages such as Chinese and Japanese do not have word delimiters.

$highlight_simple = function ($text, $words)
	$hl_words		= [];
	$text			= Ut::html($text);
	$words			= trim($words);
	$words_array	= explode(' ', $words);

	if ($words_array)
		foreach ($words_array as $word)
			// escape bad regex characters
			$hl_words[] = preg_quote($word, '/');

		$pattern	= implode('|', $hl_words);
		$text	= preg_replace('/(' . $pattern . ')/ui', '<mark class="highlight">$1</mark>', $text);

	return $text;
===ngram Full-Text Parser===
((/Dev/Release/R6.0/UnicodeIssues/ngramFull-TextParser InnoDB full-text index for Chinese search)), not supported by MariaDB.

Add add ##WITH PARSER ngram## by alter the page table
%%(hl sql)
ALTER TABLE page ADD FULLTEXT INDEX ft_index (title, body) WITH PARSER ngram;