WackoWiki: Действие: Feed

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Действие: Feed

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{{feed url="https://www.anekdot.ru/rss/export_j.xml" max=2}}

Feed Title: Свежая десятка смешных анекдотов. Анекдоты из России.[link4]

Анекдот №12 за 11 марта 2025[link5]

- Цилечка! А пойдёмте ко мне сексом заниматься!
- Мужчина, я - не Циля!
- А по второй части моего предложения, я так понял, возражений не будет?

Анекдот №10 за 11 марта 2025[link6]

Если программисту отрубить большие пальцы на руках, то ему будет легче считать в восьмеричной системе.

А вот пример англоязычной ленты :
{{feed url="https://www.flickr.com/services/feeds/groups_pool.gne?id=57342295@N00&lang=en-us&format=atom" max=1 time=1}}


Feed Title: Temples,Shrines & Castles of Japan. ( + Deities) 日本 Pool[link7]

Ema at Yushima Seido Temple[link8]

dean.white has added a photo to the pool:

Ema at Yushima Seido Temple

Yushima Seido is a Temple dedicated to Confucian thought that was built in 1690 during the Edo period. The original wooden buildings were destroyed in a fire in 1790 and were rebuilt in 1793. The temple was again destroyed in a fire in 1911 and was rebuilt in 1916. The current structure is made of reinforced concrete and was built in 1935 after the wooden buildings were destroyed in the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923.

Yushima Seido occupies a walled block of Tokyo's Yushima district, a short walk from Ochanomizu Station (just across the Hijiri Bridge), and a short walk from Akihabara.

Tokyo, Japan