Seite noch beim Zusammenstellen! | {{toc numerate="1"}} ||
Überarbeiten: siehe ((/Doc/English/ThemeGuide))
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<div class="wrapper">
Das erste Code-Beispiel ist aus der zugehörigen PHP-Datei, die die Variablen ##$tpl->variable## definiert und das zweite aus der zugeordneten Template-Datei.
Einzeln erklärt und beschrieben:
Anmelden / Abmelden
Pfad + Seite
$tpl->breadcrumbs = $this->get_page_path(false, ' > ', true, true);
<nav class="breadcrumb">
[ ' breadcrumbs ' ]
$tpl->usertrail = $this->get_user_trail(true, ' > ', true, $size = 8);
<nav class="usertrail">
[ ' usertrail ' ]
=====page handler=====
// defining tabs constructor
// $image = 0 text only, 1 image only, 2 image and text
$echo_tab = function ($method, $hint, $title, $image, $tab_class = '', $access_key = '', $params = null) use (&$tpl)
$tpl->class = $tab_class ?: ('m-' . $method);
if ($this->method === $method)
$tpl->active = ' active';
$tpl->method = ($method == 'show' ? $this->href() : $this->href($method));
$tpl->hint = $this->_t($hint);
$tpl->params = $params;
if ($access_key !== '')
$tpl->key = $access_key;
$image == 1 or $tpl->t_title = $this->_t($title);
$image == 0 or $tpl->t_im_title = $this->_t($title);
$echo_tab('show', 'ShowTip', 'ShowText', 1, '', 'v');
// [...] other handlers
// show more tab
// print tab
if ($readable)
$echo_tab('print', 'PrintVersion', 'PrintText', 2, '', 'v', ' target="_blank" rel="noopener"');
// [...] other handlers
<ul class="submenu">
[= tab TabList =
<li class="[ ' class ' ][ ' active ' ]">
[= in _ =
<span>[ '' t TabTitle | trim '' ]</span>
[= out _ =
<a href="[ ' method ' ]" title="[ ' hint ' ]"
[ ' key | e attr | enclose ' accesskey="' '"' ' ][ ' params ' ]>[ '' t TabTitle | trim '' ]</a>
[= droptab _ =
<li class="dropdown"><a href="#" id="handler-more">[ ' _t: PageHandlerMoreTip ' ]<span class="dropdown-arrow">▼</span></a>
<ul class="dropdown_menu">
['' tab TabList '']
['' // last empty '']
// side bar toc list
if ($this->db->hide_toc == 0)
// display the page toc list, numerated, without labels and markup
$tpl->toc_action = $this->action('toc', ['numerate' => 0, 'nomark' => 0]);
[= toc =
<div id="sidebar-toc-wrapper" class="toc-wrapper sidebar-box">
<header id="sidebar-toc-header" class="toc-header sidebar-box-header">
[ ' // _t: TOCTitle ' ]
<div id="sidebar-toc" class="sidebar-toc-list">
[ ' action ' ]
// display the categories for this page
$tpl->categories_action = $this->action('categories', ['list' => 1, 'nomark' => 1]);
[= categories =
<div id="sidebar-categories-wrapper" class="categories-wrapper sidebar-box">
<header id="sidebar-categories-header" class="page-categories-header sidebar-box-header">
[ ' // _t: Categories ' ]
<nav id="sidebar-categories-list" class="sidebar-categories-list">
[ ' action ' ]
// display the tag cloud this page
$tpl->tagcloud_action = $this->action('tagcloud', ['nomark' => 1]);
[= tagcloud =
<div id="sidebar-tagcloud-wrapper" class="tagcloud-wrapper sidebar-box">
<header id="sidebar-categories-header" class="categories-header sidebar-box-header">
[ ' // _t: Categories ' ]
<nav id="sidebar-categories-list" class="sidebar-categories-list">
[ ' action ' ]
// page tree
if ($this->db->hide_index == 0)
// display all subpages for this page/cluster, 3 levels down
$tpl->tree_action = $this->action('tree', ['page' => $this->tag, 'depth' => 3, 'nomark' => 1]);
[= tree =
<div id="sidebar-tree-wrapper" class="tree-wrapper sidebar-box">
<header id="sidebar-tree-header" class="tree-header sidebar-box-header">
[ ' // _t: Cluster' ' ]
<nav id="sidebar-tree" class="sidebar-tree">
[ ' action ' ]
// user bookmarks
foreach ((array) $this->get_menu() as $menu_item)
$tpl->commit = true;
if ($this->page['page_id'] == $menu_item[0])
$tpl->active_item = $menu_item[1];
$tpl->item_link = $this->format($menu_item[2], 'post_wacko');
if ($logged_in)
// determines what it should show: "add to menu" or "remove from menu" icon
if (!in_array($this->page['page_id'], (array) $this->get_menu_links()))
$tpl->addmark_href = $this->href('', '', ['addbookmark' => 1]);
else if (!$this->get_menu_default())
$tpl->removemark_href = $this->href('', '', ['removebookmark' => 1]);
[= smenu =
<div id="sidebar-user-bookmarks-wrapper" class="user-bookmarks-wrapper sidebar-box">
<header id="sidebar-user-bookmarks-header" class="user-bookmarks-header sidebar-box-header">
[ ' // _t: Bookmarks ' ]
<nav id="sidebar-user-bookmarks-list" class="sidebar-user-bookmarks-list">
[= menu =
[ ' commit | void // alternation hack ' ]
[= item _ =
<li>[ ' link ' ]</li>
[= active _ =
<li class="active"><span>[ ' item ']</span></li>
[= addmark _ =
<a href="[ ' href ' ]">
<img src="[ ' db: theme_url ' ]icon/spacer.png" alt="+" title="[ ' _t: AddBookmark ' ]" class="btn-addbookmark">
[= removemark _ =
<a href="[ ' href ' ]">
<img src="[ ' db: theme_url ' ]icon/spacer.png" alt="-" title="[ ' _t: RemoveBookmark ' ]" class="btn-removebookmark">
Kommentarleiste ausblenden
$this->db->hide_comments = 1;
Dateileiste ausblenden
$this->db->hide_files = 1;
Aktionen einbinden:
<? echo $this->format( '{{hits}}' );?>
Ausblenden von Elementen für nicht angemeldete Nutzer:
if ($this->get_user())
// auszublendender Teil / Elemente
Bilder einbinden
<input type="image"
src="<?php echo $this->db->theme_url; ?>icon/bild.png" alt="alternativ Text" />
Bsp. mit Link hier ...
ggf. eigner Ordner /img und dann img/bild.png
HTML Struktur
%%(hl html)
<div id="mainwrapper">
<div id="header-main">
<div id="header-site"></div>
<div id="login-box"></div>
<nav class="menu-main">
<div id="menu-user"></div>
<div id="page-handler"></div>
<nav class="breadcrumb"></nav>
<article id="page"></article>
<div id="header-files"></div>
<div id="header-comments"></div>
<nav class="footer"></nav>
<div class="page-meta"></div>
<div id="credits"></div>
CSS Struktur
====Datei '((../CSS/WackoCss wacko.css))' des Standard-Themes 'default'====
||**HTML** |**Wiki** |**Bemerkung** ||
||<strong> |""** **"" |fett ||
||<em>|""// //"" |kursiv ||
||<span class="underline">|""__ __"" |unterstrichen ||
||<small>|""++ ++"" |klein ||
||<code>|""## ##"" |monospace ||
||<del>|""-- --"" |durchgestrichen ||
||<div style="text-align: center;">|"">> <<"" |zentriert ||
||<span class="cite">|""!! !!"" |Hinweis ||
||<span class="cl-blue">|""!!(blue) !!"" |Hinweis blau ||
||<span class="cl-green">|""!!(green) !!"" |Hinweis grün ||
||<span class="cl-red">|""!!(red) !!"" |Hinweis rot ||
||<span class="mark">|""??rot ??"" |hervorgehoben ||
||<textarea class="code">|""%% %%"" |eingebetteter Quelltext ||
||<h1>|""== =="" |Haupt-Überschrift ||
||<h2>|""=== =="" |Grosse Überschrift ||
||<h3>|""==== =="" |Mittelgrosse Überschrift ||
||<h4>|""===== =="" |Kleinere Überschrift ||
||<h5>|""====== =="" |Kleine Überschrift ||
||<h6>|""======= =="" |Kleinste Überschrift ||
||<blockquote>|""<[ ]>"" |Zitat ||
||<dfn title="Def">Bez</dfn>|""(? Bez == Def ?)"" |Bezeichnung, Definition ||
||<hr noshade="noshade" size="1">|""----"" |Linie ||
* Allgemein
html * {}
body {}
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a:visited {}
a:hover {}
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/* Seiten-Vorschau */
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/* Span: \'Suche:\', Input */
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/* kein Textumbruch */
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/* Wiki-Name (header.php) */
* Wiki-Formatierungen
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em {}
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small {}
code {}
del {}
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.cl-green {}
.cl-red {}
.mark {}
.code {}
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/* E-Mail */
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.email2 {}
/* Überschriften */
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h2 {}
h3 {}
h4 {}
h5 {}
h6 {}
/* Definition */
dfn {}
/* Zitat */
blockquote {}
/* Inhaltsverzeichnis-Ebenen: Divs */
.toc1 {}
.toc2 {}
.toc3 {}
.toc4 {}
.toc5 {}
.toc6 {}
* Dateien, Kommentare
/* Überschriften: Div, Link */
.filesheader, .commentsheader {}
.filesheader a, .commentsheader a {}
/* Listen: */
.files, .comment { /* Div */ }
table.upload td { /* alle Zellen */ }
table.upload td.dt- { /* Zelle Datum */ }
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table.upload td.file- a { /* Link Dateiname */ }
table.upload td.desc- { /* Zelle Beschreibung */ }
.commentinfo { /* Div (Name, Zeit) */ }
.commentinfo a { /* Link Name */ }
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.filesform, .commentform { /* Div */ }
.filesform td, .commentform td { /* Alle Zellen */ }
.filesform input, .commentform input { /* Alle Inputs */ }
.commentform form textarea { /* Textarea Kommentare */ }
* Codebeispiele für andere Startseite für angemeldete Benutzer / + individuelle Startseite nach Anmeldung
* verstecken aller Interaktionselemente für nicht angemeldete Nutzer -> Wiki als Webseite / CMS