WackoWiki: WackoWiki Features

https://wackowiki.org/doc     Version: 57 (26.11.2024 11:28)

WackoWiki Features

Also available in Deutsch[link1], Español[link2], Français[link3], Русский[link4], 简体中文[link5]
WackoWiki R6.1 Edit Preview
“... Much of the true value of the Web comes from targeted, specialized sites. Small sites can't afford monster CMS products, so a good low-end system is highly welcome.” — Jakob Nielsen

WackoWiki is a lightweight and easy to install multilingual Wiki engine. It supports WYTIWYG editing, page rights (ACL), design themes (skins), file uploads, email notification and much more. Compatible with PHP 8.0 - 8.4 and MariaDB / MySQL.

Key Features

  1. light-weight
  2. designed for speed and extensibility
  3. easily customizable
    1. template engine[link6]
    2. URI router[link7]
    3. actions[link8] and page handlers
    4. design themes[link9] (skins) support
  4. quick and easy installation[link10]
  5. clean user interface[link11]
  6. integrated user management
  7. access control through per-page access control lists[link12]
  8. integrated page commenting functionality
  9. WhatYouThinkIsWhatYouGet[link13] editing
  10. full revision control
  11. powerful diff between revisions
  12. clusters & relative addressing[link14]
  13. page watching & email notification on changes/comments (simple diff included in email), RSS
  14. completely multilingual[link15] (supported languages[link16])
  15. links can be CamelCase or FreeLinks
  16. several levels of caching (backlinks, pages, queries, templates)
  17. automatic table of contents generation[link17]
  18. section editing
  19. on-the-fly correction of punctual typos & spec. characters
  20. uploads per page or global.
  21. thumbnail creation

back to the overview[link18]